Principal's Report

Welcome to term 4, traditionally the busiest term of the school year! We have already been off to a flying start with 5/6 and prep swimming ticked off in week 1. As always, the Kyneton pool staff gave us glowing feedback regarding our student's behaviour and effort during lessons. Week 2 we were super busy with our whole school artist in residence program and welcomed Bernard Mangakahia who led us through a fabulous week of dancing and singing. We went travelling through Polynesian cultures including New Zealand Maori, Hawaiian, Samoan and also Native North American culture. All of these beautiful cultures make up part of Bernard's own family tree.
Our whole school performance was enjoyed by so many families and even saw some of our parents joining in the dancing with their children.
Thank you to all who supported our stall at the Lancefield Show on the weekend. We had so many great donations for prizes and everyone was a winner! We raised $1003.90 which will go towards supporting our student learning at LPS. Thank you to parents and students (including school council members and student council members) for helping us on the day and well done LPS student council for helping to put our stall together. We are looking forward to finding out who won the Jo has lost her marbles competition!
We would like to thank the following businesses for supporting our stall with some very generous vouchers! All of the lucky winners were so happy with their vouchers.
Red Door Books
The Lost Watering Hole
Tree House
Lancefield Lodge
Cottage Gifts on High
Hayley @ PegPlay designs
Blossom Skin and Beauty
Lancefield Hardware
Double Oak Winery
Bendigo Bank
The Lancefield Providore
The Lancefield Bakery
The Lancefield Hotel
The Aspy Cafe
Romsey Auto
During term 4 we will be conducting four Fresh Fruit Fridays with thanks to the kind donations we are receiving from customers at the Lancefield Bakery. The following Fridays will be FFF days and we will be looking for a few parent/carer volunteers first thing (9-9.30am) on these Fridays to prepare the 9 fruit platters, one for each class.
Friday 1st November
Friday 15th November
Friday 29th November
Friday 13th December
2025 planning is underway. Please understand that we are not ready to announce class structure or staffing arrangements for the new year until later in term 4. It is really important that we all stay focused on the here and now, learn as much as we can during term 4 and enjoy the rest of 2024. As always, later in the term all students will have the opportunity to nominate students they believe they could work well with (from their year cohort) in 2025 to help inform our decisions on student placement.
Please make sure you check the calendar of events for term 4 as there are many things coming up!
Please ensure you give consent for excursions on compass and provide payment in a timely manner. It makes the job of our office staff very difficult when they are spending a large amount of time chasing up these things the day before and often the day of events. We don't want any of our students missing out so please do your part. Keeping up with Compass messages and dates/requirements is important and extremely helpful. - This is a fabulous resource for Dads and parents and is highly recommended.