2024 Classroom Teachers

Angela Dawson

It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to our 2024 classroom teaching teams. I also look forward to introducing you to the rest of the Valkstone Primary School staff early in Term 1 next year.


Prep A = Abbie Jones

Prep B = Jo Scott & Natasha Maskell

Prep C = Chantelle Sinclair


1A = Robyn Howard & Caitlin Abel

1B = Fiona Rouch

1C = Olivia Rogers (new to VPS)

1D = Bernadette Shepherd & Kat Kougioumtzis


2A = Rosie Blacker

2B = Kate Howard & Helen Blandy

2C = Mel Kemper & Lianne Kelly

2D = Tom Paturzo


3A = Ian Bahn

3B = Ali Dodd

3C = Josh Hargreaves

3D = Jess Scott


4A = Pepper Hewitt & Lynne Ferris

4B = Lucy Greig

4C = Hannah Southin

4D = Stephen Miller (new to VPS)


5A = Tom Davis

5B = Liz Edwards

5C = Joanne Fiddler

5D = Chrissy Lauriola & Meredith Armstrong

5E = Marnie Wilson (new to VPS)


6A = Rachel Joyce

6B = Brittany Meyerowitz

6C = Kate Smith

6D = Matt Ware

6E = Stephen Yaghmoor



As I mentioned in the last newsletter, there has been a lot of movement around the school in the last week, with year levels moving to new locations for 2024. This was to ensure that year levels remained geographically close to each other, rather than one class being separated from the others in their year level.


I have attached a map below (both as an image and a downloadable PDF) which shows the locations of all classes in 2024, along with the changed location of the library and DigiTech rooms. Our Valkstone Primary DigiTech program is being expanded in 2024 to become a STEM program, which I look forward to giving you some in-depth information about in the new year.