Principal's Message

Angela Dawson

NAPLAN Achievements

What an excitement there was last week when Valkstone Primary School hit the newspapers for our outstanding NAPLAN results!


Valkstone Primary School was highlighted as being in the Top 10 Government Primary Schools in the State for our outstanding Year 5 Numeracy results!


I would like to congratulate our students for their achievements, and thank all our teachers for the hard work they have put in to identifying strengths and areas of improvement for both students and our teaching programs. Together, we are not only 'aiming for excellence' - we are achieving it!

Celebration Concert


There was lots of holiday cheer in the air on Friday afternoon, when our families joined our students and staff for the Celebration Concert on the school oval. This is a much-loved Valkstone tradition, and although we were disappointed that it couldn't go ahead on Wednesday evening due to the weather, we certainly made up for it in enthusiasm on Friday afternoon.


From the fabulous singing from our students, to the raffle winners, to the skipping, to the surprise performance from our talented teachers - the Valkstone Community came out in great numbers to celebrate 2023. 


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the wonderful people who put their heart and soul into making this event happen:


Robyn Newfield - thank you so much for all your hard work organising our raffle hampers. You didn't get a chance to see it, but the excitement on the faces of the people collecting their hampers was wonderful!


To all the wonderful volunteers over the past few weeks who put the hampers together - they looked amazing! So many families commented on them when they saw them at the end of the concert and were amazed by beautiful they looked...thank you!


To our wonderful teachers - thank you for your hard work over this term, to ensure that the students felt comfortable getting up in to perform in front of such a large audience. They all looked and sounded wonderful, thanks to all your hard work and preparation.


To Pete Caswell - without you, an event such as this couldn't take place! You are always in the right place at the right time, usually before we even know we need you there! Thank you for all your hard work setting up, your work on the day, and your performance - you are a superstar.


To Jenn Darling (Music Teacher) - your passion and enthusiasm for an event such as this is what made it happen. You have guided us and organised us, and this event could never happen without you. Thank you for your dedication to bringing the Valkstone community together to celebrate 2023. It was a huge success, and we thank you for all your hard work.


Best wishes!

Sadly we have a few staff members who are not joining us in 2024, and I would like to wish them all the best for their new adventures - we will miss you all, and hope that you come back to visit us soon!


Kate Newey - Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication Kate. The many families who have had you as their child's classroom teacher will miss you and will all be joining me in wishing you the best for your adventures next year!


Heidi Amos - Heidi and her family are relocating to Regional Victoria, in particular the Bass Coast. We wish you all the best in your new adventures Heidi, and we know that you will thrive as a Science teacher next year and beyond!


Sue Green - after a long career looking after some of our students with additional needs, Sue is retiring! We thank you for all your dedication towards providing a wonderful educational experience for all our students, and we wish you all the best in this next stage of your life!

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