Principal's Message

Dear Holy Family Parents and Carers, 


End of Year Celebrations

As we come to the end of Week 7 it is an extremely busy time when many aspects of 2023 come to a conclusion as teachers conduct their final assessment of students, complete student reports, finalise meetings and ensure that all of our students finish the year off on a high. 


Killara 60th Anniversary 

We are looking forward to commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Catholic Church at Killara with Bishop Anthony, Father Colin, the parish and school communities. This special occasion will be a time of gratitude, reflection, and celebration, as we come together as a community to express our deep appreciation for the blessings bestowed upon us over the past six decades. Your presence at this special event on Sunday would be greatly appreciated.


Christmas Around the World

As we approach the season of Advent, we are excited that our parish and school will join together to present a combined Christmas concert "Christmas Around the World" that promises to be a memorable and joyous occasion for our entire community. This collaborative effort between our parish and school reflects the essence of Catholic community, bringing together the talents and gifts of both our students and parish members. 


The Christmas concert will be an opportunity to celebrate the birth of Christ through music, drama and song. Our students have been practising diligently, and we can't wait for you to witness the magic they will bring to the stage. Christmas is a time for reflection, gratitude, and spreading joy. Our combined concert aims to not only entertain but also inspire a sense of hope and togetherness as we enter the Advent season. We encourage you to invite friends and family to join us in celebrating this special occasion.


Year 6 - Our Year 6 children have been busy preparing for their end of year celebrations and specific events.  We aim to make this a fun and memorable time for these students as they come to the end of their primary school days. 


Mandarin lessons to commence in 2024 - Mandarin online lessons will be offered to all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 in 2024!  Students will engage in the study of Mandarin provided by Meg Languages through weekly lessons. Mandarin Chinese is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. 


Online language lessons can be an effective way to introduce students to a new language, especially Mandarin, which is widely spoken and increasingly important in today's globalized world. Early next year, Meg Languages will present their Mandarin program at a parent workshop.


God Bless you and your families. 

Pauline Dinale 
