Year 1 Unit

- ‘I have a crocodile in my bath! Do you want to hear the story?’
- ‘The crocodile wanted to go on a holiday – away from the Murray River’.
- ‘One ordinary day, Alex and Steve were having a bath, but for some reason there was a sewer entrance right next to the bath’.
- ‘Dog Man and Cat were not just ordinary dogs and cats – they were superheroes!’
- ‘One day when Mrs Dawes was doing the roll, she accidently called Lucas a girl’.
Did you want to read more? Did our authors hook you in?
Year One students have been busy exploring narratives over the past term. They have looked at what they think makes a good book and what makes you want to read more. They have studied a range of narratives and focussed on some of their favourite authors. They have explored how popular authors seem to know exactly what will keep a reader interested and engaged in their books and how narratives are constructed.
Students have followed the writing process – Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing and Publishing to create their very own published piece of writing. Creating an interesting lead has been a focus with students trying to create an attention grabbing first sentence to entice and interest readers to read their narratives. There has been great care given to the illustrations and presentation included in their books and they enjoyed reading and sharing their narratives with other Year One students. Parents will have to patiently wait for the books to hit circulation at the end of the year!
Year 1 Teachers
Danielle Dawes, Zoe Sutherland, Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont