Senior Unit - 5/6

This week we have been generating ideas and planning a persuasive letter. We are writing a letter to make a positive change in our community. There have been many great ideas planted such as an indoor pool, cat café, smoothie bar and increasing our number of wildlife shelters. We are looking forward to continuing the writing process and getting to send our published letters in the mail.
We have been practising independent literacy tasks during our reading sessions. Our tasks involve us responding to our texts in really engaging ways such as creating a radio advertisement, artwork of a story setting, writing a script for an important scene and author profiles. We will share our amazing work we have completed with our class next week.
Branch Out:
On Monday we celebrated our final Branch Out workshop! Sprouts turned our thoughts and ideas from our previous workshops into a song. We all learnt the lyrics and sang together to the spread the message about understanding and respecting our emotions.
- “I loved decorating the Christmas Baubles for the community Christmas tree” – Emmie
- “Graduation dance practise has been so much fun because we all can dance together” – Winter
- “I had so much fun singing ‘You’re the Voice’ at the school concert, especially when everyone was signing together at the end” - Pippa
Year 5/6 Teachers
Nathan Spilsted, Andrea Evans, Jad Geer, Kat Richardson, Ashleigh Dodds