Parents and Friends Association

Christmas Raffle
The WPS Christmas Raffle is on again! Two super fantastic hampers to win - including delicious chocolates, jams, crafts, kids games, and much more.
Tickets available for sale only on Qkr! until 10am on Friday December 8th.
$2 each or 3 for $5. Prize winners drawn on Monday 11th December.
Run, run as fast as you can to help raise funds for our school!
End of Year Picnic
The PFA will be sizzling sausages to feed the masses at 1:30pm on Wednesday the 20th December - the last day of school for the year. Come down to the oval and celebrate your kids flying through another year of education! Sausages must be pre-ordered on Qkr! so we can accurately cater. Ice creams will be available for sale on the day - bring cash. A Compass message will go out soon when Qkr! orders open.
Mango Drive
For those who got their orders in for Mangos, the delivery date will be in the week commencing December 11th. Further details will be forwarded when available.
Referendum Day Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall
The PFA is pleased to report that the Referendum Day Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall last month raised just a hair under $2500 to support our school. Thank you to all who baked, volunteered or purchased something! A particular shout-out to Adam who brought in his own barbeque and ran it like clockwork, and to Monique and Annamieka for their work co-ordinating the Cake Stall, with valued support from Sue and Jenny in the canteen.
Dates for your Diary:
- Friday 8th December 10am - Christmas Raffle. Last opportunity to buy your Chrismas raffle tickets. Raffle will be drawn on Monday 11th.
- 20th December - End of Year Picnic 1.30pm - with sausage sizzle and ice creams on the school oval.
Class Representatives
Another great way to get involved at our school is to volunteer to be your child’s Class Representative. Soon we will be seeking expressions of interest, and placing Class Reps once the 2024 classes have been finalised. If you’d like to find out more about what’s involved, please ask your current Class Rep, or contact the Class Rep Liaison - Anna - at
Facebook Pages
There are two pages you may like to join - one run by the School Office, and one for Parents and Friends of WPS. Here are the links to join: - Woodend Primary School - Woodend Primary School Parents and Friends' Community
(You must answer the membership questions so that we can establish your connection to the school)
Thank you,
PFA Communications
Mikkel Mynster