WPS Community Children’s Garden

We won a grant!

Woodend Primary School’s Community Children’s Garden is the lucky recipient of a Greater Western Water Thriving Communities Grant for 2023-24. 


Auspiced by Woodend Landcare, the $3780 grant covers hardware and installation of an automated irrigation system by Midland Irrigation in Kyneton. 


The programable watering system will enable us to irrigate the garden at the most beneficial time of day (early morning or late evening) and deliver water directly to the plant roots. This will mean:

  • less water loss through daytime evaporation (especially important as the garden runs on tank water collected from the school rooves), 
  • deeper plant roots (ie healthier more productive crops), and
  • less time parents need to spend watering the garden over summer holidays! 

While installing the irrigation system, Jason and the team from Midland Irrigation have reused many of the old pipes and fittings that were salvaged when the garden was refurbished in 2017. They also left connecting most of the driplines for Garden Club to complete. With the help of parent volunteers, Garden Club students are having fun constructing the dripper systems (it’s just like a big toy set😊), while also learning about water saving and plant water needs. 

moving hoses for reuse
moving hoses for reuse
moving hoses for reuse
making the irrigation system
irrigation macarno
planted carrot seed
Emilie & students installing irrigation
Mattty & students installing irrigation
pea seedlings & dripper system
tomato seedlings & dripper system
moving hoses for reuse
moving hoses for reuse
moving hoses for reuse
making the irrigation system
irrigation macarno
planted carrot seed
Emilie & students installing irrigation
Mattty & students installing irrigation
pea seedlings & dripper system
tomato seedlings & dripper system
WPS Children’s Garden Club
Where:  Woodend Community Children’s Garden (Buckland St, Woodend)
When: 12.45-1.45pm Mondays - parent help supervising lunchtime Kid’s Garden Club
 1.45-3.30pm Mondays - parent’s gardening group
BYO: Bring your enthusiasm and desire to join in (No gardening knowhow needed). Please wear sturdy shoes, gardening gloves and weather appropriate clothing. Pre-school age children are welcome too
Sign in:

Please sign in at the Office before gardening 

(Working With Children Check required)

Contact: Nicole Middleton 0418 233 366

You don’t have to commit to every Monday. Once a month, once a term or any commitment all helps. 

Volunteer Gardening Group Facilitator

Nicole Middleton - 0418 233 366