Foundation Unit

It’s crazy to think we only have a few more weeks of school this year! We have been busy the last few weeks completing end of year testing and assessment pieces in preparation for our move up to Year 1. We are so proud of how much the students have learnt this year, and their hard work and dedication towards showing us what they can do!
In Reading, we have been reading books by Margaret Wild. We have been using all the comprehension strategies we have learned this year to make sense of what we are reading. We have made predictions, made connections, visualised and make inferences as we read.
In Writing, we have labelled our favourite stuffed animal using adjectives. We also used our understanding of similes to write a sentence about something we can do.
In Maths, we have been playing different maths games to develop our number fluency. Ask your child to teach you how to play Up and Down. All you need is 3x6-sided dice and a mini whiteboard or piece of paper. It has been a favourite in JU1!
As part of our unit on Fairy Tales, students have been completing different STEM challenges like building a bridge for the Billy Goats Gruff, or a beanstalk out of newspaper. Here are some creations from JU3!
As we are approaching the end of the school year, we are asking families to make sure all library books and readers are returned to school.
Foundation Teachers
Courtney Lawrence/Alison Meggs, Sally Quinn, Libby Cannon