'Tis the Season to be Thankful

Tim Argall - Executive Principal


  • Primary students who actively seek to know more, each and every day; who lead us in worship of God and seek to know more about Jesus
  • Primary parents who lovingly support their children’s endeavours at school, answering God’s call on their lives to parent their children in the light of His guidance
  • Primary teachers who partner with parents in the spiritual development of the children in their daily care, reminding those in their charge of the majesty of the God we know and love
  • Primary learning programs – for their enmeshing with scriptural threads of wisdom, lovingly and thoroughly prepared by teams of dedicated educators.



  • Secondary students, who increasingly take ownership of the gift of faith – graciously extended to them by the creator of the universe; who learn how to serve and lead as Jesus would have
  • Secondary parents, who continue to create safe havens for their growing adolescents, modelling Christian living to the emerging adults in their homes, parenting with open hands and hearts in the directions and emphases of our learning programs
  • Secondary teachers who generously and creatively prepare a myriad of different experiences, catering for an abundance of different learning styles found in the students in each of their classes, who seek to walk in faith alongside the young men and women in their charge that they encounter each day.



  • Operational staff and Leadership teams, who in partnership with the College Board, seek to steward our God-given resources wisely, with openness and discernment to the ways God would have us use all that He has given us to His glory
  • A Grounds and Maintenance team, who work tirelessly to remind us of the beauty of the surrounds we find ourselves in daily, who serve the needs of all in our community through their repair, building and re-arranging of resources to suit our everyday needs
  • Pastorally-minded staff, who meet students, parents, families and colleagues in need, and minister to them, as part of the healing, restoration and renewal that God offers us all
  • A community of believers, of Jesus followers, who gather to pray for the College, for all its students, all its staff, all its families, seeking to see God’s kingdom work flourish at DCC.



  • God’s word – the Bible – our community’s anchor and way-finder
  • The Holy Spirit – our comforter and guide
  • Jesus – our Lord, the giver of life, our saviour
  • God the Father – who gave His son Jesus as a sacrifice for sins, so that all that we do together as a school community could be possible.
