Woodlands News 

Message from the Principal 

As we say farewell to the academic year of 2023, I’d like to express my sincere appreciation to each member of the Woodlands Primary School community. This year has been a challenging yet successful one, full of growth, accomplishments, and shared success, and I extend my thanks to everyone who has played a role in making it a great year.

To our incredible students, congratulations on consistently embodying the ethos of our school motto, "Be Your Best." Your dedication to learning, resilience, and the positive manner in which you support one another have created a vibrant and enriching environment at our school.

To our parents and families, thank you for your ongoing support. A strong partnership between home and school is vital in achieving their best possible outcomes. 

To the Woodlands PS staff, thank you for your ongoing commitment and dedication to improving every day. Our students are very lucky to be surrounded by teachers and support staff with your skills, knowledge, expertise and compassion. Enjoy a very well deserved break. 

I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and relaxing holiday period. Thank you for making 2023 a remarkable year, and we look forward to continued success in 2024.


Matt Gallagher





We were lucky enough to have Paul Mercurio, Member for Hastings, come to Woodlands to present the first Bright Star Award to a deserving Woodlands student.  

The inspiration for The Bright Star Award came from a desire to acknowledge the quiet achiever. The quiet achiever is someone that gets on with getting things done. Someone who is always there in the background making sure others have the support they need to achieve the things they do. 

The quiet achiever is often the glue that holds everything together, they lead by example by simply doing their best in all things at all times – they are not the loudest nor are they at the front of the pack charging headlong into the fray. 

They are simply there, supporting those around them, listening, giving, caring and nurturing, they make everything better, they are a guiding light – they are a bright star. 

I congratulate this year’s Bright Star For being the positive, creative and caring person you are, for leading by example and for making your school a better place. 


Now some words from the school. 

This student is a responsible student who has been an exemplary leader. They are not only a responsible and sensible student, but they are also academically talented and works hard with any task. Their sporting talents are also equal to their academic talent. They are an exemplary student. 

Congratulations to this year’s Bright Star Award Winner Mark Nisbet 


Administration Area Upgrade


After what seemed like a lifetime, we are now only days away from the completion of the building works at the front of the school. We are all looking forward to opening the doors and having our new office and reception area operational from the first day of school in 2024.


Thank you to all of our staff, students and families for your patience whilst the work took place. It was a huge inconvenience for many but the end result and a more functional environment for our school community is worth it. A huge thank you goes out to the members of our School Council (both past and present) for engaging in the project over the last three years. It is a lasting legacy that will be enjoyed by the Woodlands community for many years to come. 


Matt Gallagher
