School Captain's Message

Hello Teachers, Students, and Parents of WVPS,
Today, the School Captains, JSC and Active Travel Ambassadors, set out with Miss Vandy and Dianne Johnson from the Wyndham Council Active School Program to spray paint the safe walking/riding paths we mapped out with the Wyndham mayor, Sue Mc Intyre.
We have 4 paths that are colour coded: red, blue, green and yellow. We are very excited to announce that on Friday 24th November we launch our safe schools travel program. We are having a program launch/fundraiser where students are encouraged to decorate their bikes, scooters and shoes and actively walk to school. Students can be dropped off at the start of these safe paths at 8.15am and walk with a teacher and their friends to school.
We are having breakfast at school for our active travelers, and we have lots of prizes for those who participate. We look forward to seeing all our students participating in this fun day for all the school community!
Yemi, Isabella - School Captains
Mae and Farheen - Vice Captains