Student Learning

Students in Foundation have been preparing for their persuasive text by first making a plan. They have then written their persuasive text and shared it with the class.
During Maths students have been learning about doubles, friends of 10 and completing their final essential assessment tests.
Year 1/2
Reading: The students read several persuasive articles and carefully identified and documented three distinctive features used within the text.
Writing: As part of our persuasive writing unit, the students are enjoying expressing their opinions on various topics. They have chosen a topic and written their opening sentence, three main points and are in the process of finalising their conclusion.
Maths: During our revision on location, the students used coordinates to complete a treasure map and a grid image.
Tri State Games: There was plenty of high fives, cheering and smiles as the enthusiastic 1/ 2 s warmly welcomed Tri State Games competitors to the opening ceremony held at Mivo Park.
Year 3/4
The Year 3/4 students have been busy researching and writing arguments to support their persuasive pieces.
Year 5/6
5/6s have been reading 'The Burnt Stick' and learning about the stolen generation, they wrote what they knew already and then read widely, recording the new information learnt.
Grade 5s have been working hard on their student leader speeches writing, revising and rehearsing.
Grade 6s have been focusing on graduation and have written a speech to convey their ideas on how to celebrate!