Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 8 Term 4

St Fidelis School is committed to the care, wellbeing and protection of children , young people and vulnerable people in our community. 

World Children’s Day is celebrated annually on the 20th November each year.  It marks the anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959, 

which sets out, for example, such things as the right to healthcare, education,

clean water, protection from violence and the right to have their say

 in decisions that affect them.

We celebrate children everywhere, especially those here at St Fidelis.



Dear Parents and Carers,


A special school assembly and blessing by Fr Linh to officially open our STEM INNOVATION RESOURCE CENTRE. (formerly known as the Library) 


I extend an invitation to all the parent community for this blessing and morning tea in the new space. It is our way of saying thank you for all your support with fundraising over the years in order for us to renovate our old library space into an engaging learning area. 


There will be an unveiling of a plaque to acknowledge our generous parent community and some presentations  to our key drivers who have been instrumental in making this happen. Hope to see you all there..


A huge congratulations to Mr Frazzetto  and the Year 6 students who participated in last week's Lego League Challenge at St Olivers. Well done to   Luca S,  Ethan M, Christian X, Maya W, Rafael S, Isabella J, Catherine F , Emily M, Daniel G, Madeline L who exceeded all expectations and made St Fidelis proud. 


The students  won the INNOVATION PROJECT AWARD TROPHY and also advanced to the National Finals in Tasmania on December 16th. WHAT AN ACHIEVEMENT!!!


Given the timing of the competition, St Fidelis will be required to withdraw from the  Nationals on this occasion. However, the children will be acknowledged for their achievements in another way. Well done to everyone involved and a big thanks to the parents who attended this event.


Kath Murdoch (Inquiry Educational Consultant), will lead a Professional Learning Day with all staff  to map our Inquiry for 2024.  Our intention is to audit what we have currently covered in the curriculum and map ‘where to next’. This week the teachers will gather data from the students to find out their interests and passions and how we can weave their interests into our Inquiry map for 2024.


THEIRCARE will provide all day care on this day if required. Please contact them to register for the day. 


There are still a number of families with outstanding fees and families who have their last child leaving at the end of 2023, who have NOT finalised their school fees. Can you please finalise all payments this week (unless prior arrangement has been made with myself). 


Thank you to all the families who have paid their fees in full.  Our school does rely on School Fees for many recurrent costs so prompt payment is appreciated.


Please call the office and speak to Ann Russo who can arrange credit card payment over the phone or alternatively if you prefer to pay by direct debit, please use the bank details below.  If any families need to discuss alternative arrangements for the payment of fees, please contact me directly.


Included are the bank details for your ease payment:

CDF:(Catholic Development Fund) 
ACCOUNT:  65 603 6380
REF: Childs Name Fee Account Number
ACCOUNT TO: St Fidelis Primary School


All children will be given a free Zooper Dooper (if they would like one) to acknowledge WORLD CHILDREN'S DAY on Friday of this week. 


St Fidelis acknowledges that our school is on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation and pay our respects to their elders , past, present and future. 


Have a lovely week, 
