School News

Compass Reminder - Leaving Families

Reminder - If your family is leaving APS, you will need to download your children's reports off compass before the end of year. Once the school rollover occurs you will lose access to your APS Compass Login.

Please ensure you have all necessary details from Compass before 21st December when the roll over will occur. Thank you.


Student Medication - End of year

As we come to the end of the year please note that all student medication will need to be collected from the office during the last week of term. Please ensure you drop into the office to collect EPI PENS and allergy medication. 


Library News - all books due back

Please ensure all Library books are returned this week. The stock take will take place next week and we need all books back for this and to ready the Library for 2024. Thank You 


2024 lunch time activities new to APS - Register now!

Lunch time with Code Camp - Wednesdays

We are happy to introduce CODE CAMP starting next year at lunch times on Wednesdays.

This will be available for children from Year 2-6. Students will use their school devices Please register directly with CODE CAMP. Note there is an early bird discount - Parents will receive a $15 Early-Bird saving if they enroll by 10th Jan 2024. Enter the following discount code when booking on our website: T124EB 

Full details below:


Lunch time Multi Cultural Dance with Ela Rose  - Thursdays

Also new in 2024..... Emilio from Ela Rose will start multicultural dance lessons during lunch times on Thursdays. Available to children from Year 1 - 6. Register direct with Emilio Ela Rose by following the QR code below.