Classroom News

Year 5 News

A big congratulations to Gus Hartley in Year 5, who recently finished 3rd in the SSV aquathlon 2km run and 200m swim at Shepperton. He will compete in Perth 2024. He made up amazing ground on the run leg even with a wrong turn! Well done Gus! 

Year 1 News

Last week the Prep and Year 1 students were treated to a very enjoyable hour of music from Carla B (Till’s Mum) and 3 of her students.  We listened to and sang along to a variety of Christmas songs such as Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer and Silent Night.  Everyone was very curious about their instruments so Carla and her students answered lots of questions about the French Horn.  It was lots of fun and we learnt so much about this amazing instrument. 



Year 4 News - Bakesale