Wellbeing & Engagement

Nik Skrob 

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and Learning Support

Wellbeing & Engagement Collection (WEC) focus groups

In week 7, I facilitated focus groups in response to this year's Wellbeing & Engagement  Collection. 


The focus group enabled students to have an opportunity to share their perceptions and understanding about what the WEC data means, and what they want to see happen to improve their experience of wellbeing at school.

During the focus group, students were presented with LNPS's WEC data, specifically 'Learning Readiness' data as this is an area that we have chosen to focus on and improve. This focus also aligns with the new Strategy for Public Education, specifically  under the Wellbeing: Cognitive Engagement section. 


During the focus group, students explored what the 'learning dip' is through a social story. We then moved into looking at the specific data, creating our own 'learning dips' and brainstorming different approaches that we can take in 2024 to improve our WEC data. 


I am excited to continue to work with student voice in 2024 in this area. The work undertaken in the focus group will be the foundation for the next steps that we will take as a school to improve our data in the areas identified above. 

students developing the 'Learning Dip' in the focus group
students developing the 'Learning Dip' in the focus group

End of year Reflections . . .

We have come to the end of another fantastic year at LNPS. As we draw near to the holidays it is important to celebrate the successes that your child has experienced this year both in their learning and wellbeing. 


Please take the time in the holidays to relax and recharge. We look forward to welcoming families back in 2024 and for the families who are departing from LNPS, we wish them the best of luck in their new learning adventures.