School News 


2023 Wrap Up!

As we approach the end of another remarkable year, we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible journey we’ve undertaken together. 


This year, our school community has embodied the essence of our school values, fostering an environment where each student is encouraged to aim high and reach for their full potential.


The dedication and efforts of our exceptional staff have been instrumental in creating a nurturing space where our learners have thrived. Their commitment to instilling not only academic knowledge but also essential learner qualities has truly made a lasting impact on our students.


As we look back on the achievements and challenges of the past year, it is evident that our collective commitment to excellence has been the driving force behind our success. Together, we have created a vibrant learning community that values curiosity, resilience, and kindness.


Class Placements 

As the school year draws to a close, a sense of uncertainty is in the air and families are turning their attention to leaving the knowns of 2023 behind as they head towards the unknowns of 2024.

Humans crave certainty. Change often feels unnerving - especially when change and uncertainty relates to your child.  Yesterday's class placement announcements for 2024 have definitely done this. For those harboring concerns about their child's class placement in 2024, rest assured, you are not alone in this sentiment. It is entirely natural to harbor preferences for specific teachers and peer groups, and equally normal to feel a tinge of worry or disappointment if expectations aren't met. 

Adults wield considerable influence over this transitional period. Our optimism can serve as a beacon of reassurance, while pessimism may cast a shadow. Our outlook and perspectives are contagious, and we have the power to set a positive tone, fostering a mindset that embraces change and views the unknowns of 2024 as opportunities for growth and new connections.

There are multiple layers to how class placements are allocated that couldn’t possibly be explained completely. As a collective, we put in huge amounts of thought into student personalities, learning styles, teaching styles, class size, who asked to have who in their class and much more that is happening behind the scenes.

We genuinely do our best with this decision. 




Here are some ways you can help make the transition smoother for your child if you or they didn’t get the news you were hoping for.

  • Listen calmly. Hear out your child’s feelings. Let them get it all out and listen quietly. Avoid trying to ‘fix’ their feelings by adding your own feelings, judgements and solutions. Feelings need to be expressed, processed and moved through constructively.
  • Children don’t have to be immediately excited about their classmates. They don’t have to have existing bonds or common interests to build them in the future. In fact, the more children they get to know with a broad range of personalities, the better for their growing social intelligence.
  • The feelings you see in that initial moment aren’t necessarily reflective of how they will feel long term - especially if you don’t react with them.
  • A mutually respectful connection with their teacher matters. Notice positive qualities in their teachers and see what your child might have in common with them.
  • Avoid looking uncertain about the placement in front of your child. If they are unsure, they will naturally look to you to help them feel confident and calm. This doesn’t mean you have to ‘fake’ being excited if you’re not (they’ll see through that) but it does mean you do your best to be cool calm and collected. If you can’t be hopeful (yet), try and be neutral. 
  • Children tend to use parents as an emotional compass when they experience uncomfortable feelings. If you’re struggling, express your feelings with another adult to get things off your chest. Work out what you’re worried about. Try and notice as many things that are good about what’s ahead.

Staffing Updates 2024

Permanent Staff Announcement

We are thrilled to share the wonderful news that Erin Perkas, a dedicated and longstanding contract teacher, has officially become a permanent staff member at Lockleys North Primary School. This marks a significant milestone in Erin's journey with our school, and we celebrate her commitment and contributions to our educational community. 


In addition to this exciting news, we are delighted to announce that Tarah Will has officially joined our front office administrative team as a permanent staff member. Her dedication and skills make her a valuable addition to our administrative staff, and we look forward to the continued positive impact she will bring to our front office operations. 



Farewell to LNPS Team Members

As we welcome the new year, we bid a fond farewell to Ash Bruorton, a cherished member of the LNPS community and a devoted educator. Ash has played an integral role in our school, contributing her passion and commitment towards our students. Embarking on a new chapter in her career journey, Ash expresses her gratitude for the incredible experiences accumulated during her tenure here. Despite the bittersweet emotions of leaving behind the wonderful LNPS community, Ash eagerly anticipates the exciting prospect of pursuing a Masters of Speech Pathology in 2024.


In addition, we further bid farewell to one of our exceptional SSOs, Charlie Thomas. Charlie has been and exceptional SSO at LNPS, and farewells us, as she has accepted a position at a different school. While parting is bittersweet, Charlie expresses her heartfelt gratitude to everyone at LNPS for the incredible opportunities, cherished friendships, and lasting memories that have enriched her life. 

The LNPS school community is sad to see Ash and Charlie go, however also excited for them as they embark on new career opportunities. 

2024 Dates 

Term 1 commences on Tuesday 30th January.


Our Pupil Free Days for Term 1 2024 are:

  • Monday 29th January - Focussing on effective learners at LNPS. Our staff will diligently focus on enhancing learning experiences and refining approaches to effectively incorporate learner qualities and school values into the educational journey.
  • Monday 4th March 2024 - Staff will be attending professional training at school with a focus on Acadience Maths Data Interpretation Workshops. The focus will be around efficient data collection and supporting the use of Acadience data to improve student outcomes at a school and individual student level.
  • Monday 12th February - 2024 AGM 6pm in the Staff Room

In conclusion, our sincere appreciation goes out to our dedicated staff, students, and parents for their continued support. As we transition into the coming year, let's carry forward the valuable lessons from this year, nurturing a passion for learning and inspiring one another to consistently strive for excellence. 


Wishing you all a restful and joyful holiday season. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year !



Mirjana, Nik and Tyson