Community News

Homestay needed - Can you help?
Our International Student Program depends on the warm hospitality of the local community. Due to the growth and diversity of our International Program we are constantly looking for families to host students. Our next group arrives between 8 to 14 March 2024 from our siter school Kofu Daiichi High School, Japan. This program commenced in 2004 so 2024 will be our 20th Anniversary. We need families for approximately 20 students (double homestays placements are possible). As a local family hosting an international student, you will have the chance to:
- learn about and share cultures, customs and traditions
- make lifelong friendships with your student and their family
- participate in activities and meet other host families
- explore fun things to see and do in South Australia
Homestay families are paid approximately $300 per week to host a student. If you are willing to host students or are interested in more information please contact the Global Education Team, via phone 8355 7007, or email
We Rock the Spectrum
With the school holidays just around the corner, We Rock the Spectrum are delighted to announce our exciting schedule of Social Group drop off programs for the December-January school holidays!
With a focus on building social skills, working on gross and fine motor skills, sensory and emotional regulation and big movement, our Rockin’ Friends Social Groups are a wonderful opportunity for children aged 4-15 to explore our sensory gym, join in arts and crafts, participate in structured group activities and make new friends.
Learning Through Music
Learn an instrument in 2024!
Students wishing to start learning an instrument next year are welcome to contact Learning Through Music to enquire about enrolling ready for Term 1!
If you would like to take instrumental music lessons please contact Learning Through Music online at or email if you would like further information.
Cheerio Netball Holiday Clinic
During the school holidays we will again be running our free netball clinic for children aged 5 to 13 years. Attached is all the information about these clinics.