5/6S Poetry

Students in 5/6S were asked to create poetry as a part of an assessment task. Following is some of their work:



Flower Field by Aida Huynh

The radiant sun, the towering trees,

The grass- green, luscious, and soft,

Between the trees the morning sun

Comes up above the mountain lofts.

The flowers covered in morning glory,

Had bloomed their fluorescent petals,

Their raiment embedded with crystal dew-

A sight which was certainly special,


In the blissful utopia of brilliant flora.


The glade shines brighter, its presence fiercer

Its glare beaming brighter at the flowers.

The flowers display their graceful charm,

Enchanted in the golden shower.

O’ great field- your presence is divine,

It brings alive an angelic bliss-

It must be blessed by the heavens above!

It must be named a grand chef’s kiss-


In the blissful utopia of brilliant flora.


Ode to the Twilight's Endless Glow by Chloe Tran

With whispers scarce, and shadows gently sway,

Old god of eve, you do appear today,

To cast your cloak of twilight's mystic play,

And bathe all creatures' hearts in fear and awe.


In fading light, the dance of hues unfold,

As tangerine turns lavender, so bold,

A tapestry of thoughts, its threads spun gold,

As nightingales sing lullabies untold.


From heavens deep, cerulean shades descend,

As twilight's tenderness ignites, my friend,

And stars awaken, one by one, to blend,

Their fairy dust upon the night breeze mend.


The celestial ballet in twilight's wake,

A symphony of dreams, no soul forsake,

Murmurs from moonlit lakes, our hearts to take,

When dusk and dawn upon our eyelids break.


Oh, nature's nightfall, sweet elixir rare, with your radiant and infinite glow,

A holy mosaic, a luminous show.

Your lustrous tinges across the azure dome,

Enchanting mortals with your ethereal tome.


Oh, Twilight's enduring and mystical affair,

Where reflection and introspection repair.

Do the world fade with the birth of night,

Yet you remain, casting heavenly light.


So let us tarry, in twilight's tranquil embrace,

Basking in its beauty, transcending time and space.

For in its boundless glow, we find solace and rest,

An eternal haven, where dreams and hopes are blessed.


The Moon by Josephine Tran

The new moon grieves,




Shadows wreath her heart and soul.

Loss and sorrow twine through her like

Vicious, lethal knives, snaking through her,

Twirling whispers in the wind like

Numbed daggers, sinking in,

Constant reminders of her past.

Yet she

Soldiers through the pain, shakes herself from the grasp of

Melancholy, fights against the pull of the

Tide. She pushes the hurt, the heartache, down,



Locking it away somewhere

Deep where prying eyes

Cannot see,

Silencing the demons haunting her, blocking out the

Raw, unmellowed pain,

Determined to not let them break her yet.


The crescent moon shies away from the world,

Remnants of the past lingering -

She feels

Obliged to fulfill her duty of

Illuminating the night; the stars, her

Companions in a lonely sky, her sole

Comrades in a far-off place, shine

Brilliantly, pinpricks of distant light glowing, nearly

Dwarfing the slim slice of moonlight, seemingly

Sallow in comparison to the

Blazing stars. Gazing down, the moon feels




Second-best to the stars, the sun,

Everything. Abashed, as if she is me when I was younger,

She retreats into herself,

More and more, again and again, until

There is barely any of her left at all.


The waxing gibbous peeks through the dark curtain of night,

Toeing the line between

Modesty and confidence. Cautiously, she allows,

More and more of herself out,

The night finally beginning to win her over,

Darkness calling to light. Ever so slowly, the moon grows,

Bolder, drifting away from her cage of

Timidity. When she utters her first unsure laugh, the opening notes to

A flowing melody, her light flares brighter,

Soul singing. Her luminosity shines,

Down upon the mortal inhabitants of

The world, and they wonder at the sudden brightness in the

Sky, pondering what it would feel like to

Breathe without the burden of expectations and the

Pull of dreams.