Learning Through Play With Preschool

The Preschool Team

Preschool Library Session

In building a strong transition to school as part of the preschool curriculum the children attend weekly sessions in the school library. The aim for these sessions is to; 

  • build awareness of the library environment and its teachers
  • engage with books and storytelling
  • develop a routine of borrowing and returning books from the library
  • responsibility and respect when using the library space and borrowing books
  • movement through the school environment on a regular basis

The children have developed a connection with the library teachers, Mr Luxa, Miss Pham and Miss Le throughout the year and look forward to our visits each week. The children were keen to make thank you cards once library sessions had ceased, and we witnessed how far their literacy skills have developed during their time at preschool. 

Thank you Mr Luxa, Miss Pham and Miss Le for your captivating library sessions and for introducing us to the world of libraries. 

As the 2023 preschool year comes to an end we would like to say thank you to the children and families that have shared the preschool journey at St Johns Park Public School. It has been such a pleasure to witness the growth in maturity, learning and social engagement the children have achieved. The children have shared respect and kindness as they have learnt and grown together. We wish them every success in reaching their own potential and look forward to seeing them flourish in their new educational environments.