Year 6 Book Tasting

Ms H. Lee on behalf of the Year 6 Teachers

In Week 9, our Year 6 students were involved in our first school 'Book Tasting'. 


Students were offered a High School style assignment to create a book review of their chosen book to share with peers. This book review was more special than usual because it was in the style of a 'Book Tasting'! Students met in the Hall that was set up like a restaurant with drinks, light snacks and music. Students had the opportunity to share and review different books. 

It was fantastic to see and hear all the great characters and plots our students loved. Here are just some student feedback comments about the event:


"I liked the 'Book Tasting' because we got to bond with other people and see their books. The best part was the decorations and food. It should happen again next year so we can see different books." - Alessia and Madison 6M


"The 'Book Tasting' was calming. I liked moving around because I got to talk to different people about our books, reviews and ratings." Sarah 6C


"I thought it was really entertaining looking at other people's books. I really liked the food the teachers gave us. Thank you to my teachers for doing it." Lorraine 6B


A massive thank you to our committed and hard working Year 6 teachers who planned and organised such a valuable experience for our Year 6 students. The teaching and learning from Mrs S. Cummings, Miss S. Bejain, Mrs M. Choueri, Ms A. Savva, Mr T. Hu, Mr D. Carpenter and Miss R. Kechagais to support our students in the success of this task is highly commendable. In addition, the event would not have ran as smoothly as it did without the support of, Mrs L. Delandro, Mrs O. Miceli, Miss L. Stankovski and Ms J. Pollikett. Thank you!


A special mention to Miss S. Bejain for her extraordinary effort for the 'Book Tasting' to happen. Our Year 6 students were able to experience meaningful and wonderful learning beyond the classroom. This event will definitely be a popular primary memory before our students go to High School.