P&C Update Week 10

Written by M.Glushkova (P&C President)

P&C Update Term 4, Week 10

Written by: Margaret (P&C President)


Fun day - 8th December 2023

The weather was hot but Fun Day was definitely filled with fun, fun, fun!


We had a ‘spin the wheel’ game for just $1 per spin with lots of prizes that were won, and delicious sausage sizzles prepared by our staff and volunteers. 


P&C had contributed 700 bread rolls for our sausage sizzle. Thank you to:

  • Maly, Jennifer, Natasha, Tira and Teachers for cutting the bread rolls
  • Mrs Antolak Ms Mimmie with the BBQ and P&C members Maly, Jennifer, Pat for assisting
  • Myself, Lina and Shirley for donating prizes.
  • Maly, Phoung, Kimmie, Sophea and Pat for running the game.




Pre-school graduation gift

The P&C supplied our Pre-school students with a graduation gift, we gave each of our 40-pre-school students a ‘super mega art case’. I had decided to gift them an art case as I believe through art is the best way for young children to express their thoughts, feelings and open their imagination through creativity, drawing and writing. 

Congratulations on your graduation! Your graduation is just the beginning of an exciting journey ahead. Wishing you all the happiness and success. Well done!


“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” -Maya Angelou


Year 6 graduation gift

Every year the P&C funds the year 6 graduation photo booth and graduation cupcakes.

I hope our precious year 6 students enjoyed primary school and now looking forward to high school.

Do the best that you can and never give up, follow your dreams. Always our Best!


P&C Meeting

Our next meeting is on the 21st of February 2024 at 9.30am in the school hall.


Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Have a safe, fun holiday and see you back at St Johns Park Public School next year in 2024.


When you come to the meetings, you get to hear firsthand what the school is up to,

During meetings you have a chance to speak and be involved in what the P&C plans for the upcoming terms. 


Paid members can vote to help decide what the P&C does, and how we spend the funds. You can always see when our next meeting is in the newsletter - either in the P&C update or the Important Dates. 


We would also love to hear how YOU think we can all support our school community. 

If you haven't yet joined the P&C, you can still join by emailing us at sjppspandc@gmail.com, or message us on the Facebook page: 'P&C of St Johns Park Public School'.

Let’s come together and make this a fun year for our students.