Year 6 High School Orientation reflections  

Year 6 students & S. Cummings - Stage 3 Supervisor 

On Tuesday, 28th November, a majority of our Year 6 students attended their 2024 High School Orientation. Our students came back really happy and excited to their experiences from the day. Thank you to the following students for sharing their own reflection about what they enjoyed on the day. 


"When we were driving past the school trying to find a parking spot, I felt really nervous and some of the excitement went away, but when I found my friends and sat in the hall I felt less nervous. After watching the slides and the introduction to the school, we got to go to recess. When people started going out of their classes I saw three boys that I knew from tutoring that are in Year 7. After that we went back in the hall and had to be split into groups. Then we had to walk all the way to a place so we could take a test, the test was quite easy but I had to skip the second one because the laptop  wasn't working so I had to skip it and do the third one. It was quite a good experience, but I am still a little scared for the first day of high school." Karen 6B


“I enjoyed meeting new students as they were kind and they helped out. We met the teachers and principal. They were also kind. I really liked the gifts they gave us like chips, water, a ball and seeds to plant. We also had an awesome Science lesson.” Evan 6C


"Orientation was completely the opposite of what I thought it would be. It was so much more fun and I enjoyed meeting new people. The seniors are very nice and comforting and always had time to listen and answer our questions. I made some friends during orientation as well, some were seniors while some were in the same grade, I am ecstatic to see them for the rest of next year. Overall, I loved my experience and can't wait for high school." Skylah 6B


"I liked building the tower with pipe cleaners. We did it with other students and we had to make the tallest tower. We had four people in the group and we worked well together. " Jenny 6C


"At my high school orientation, I got to see how the school operates and I learnt to read my new timetable. My high school is a Creative and Performing Arts high school so there were lots of interesting and beautiful work on display. We had Taster Lessons for Mathematics, English, Science, History and Visual Arts. My favourite was English where we got to write a creative description in response to a visual stimulus. making friends at orientation was a priority for me as I'm going to a different high school to my current friends. On the day I met a new friend who is interested in Visual Arts, just like me! I am excited for high school. I think it will be a rewarding and memorable time of my life." 

Jack 6M 


“When we went for our orientation, I liked the library. It was really big and had a good variety of books. We saw other students cooking in the kitchen. They were wearing an apron and chef’s hat.” Jayden 6C


"Orientation was a really fun day as I got to learn about and explore the school. I am happy to say I connected with many new people and made some new friendships! This was a really great experience as I got to see many classrooms and even explore the kitchen. The students there were really nice and kind to our Year 6 students. I absolutely loved Orientation Day and I'm looking forward to Year 7 next year." Malina 6B