Round 12: Friday 17th November


Greenhills A VS Glen Katherine A – HOME





9.30am-10.30am approx.


Greenhills PS


Greensborough Park

Hot Shots

Greenhills PS


Greensborough Park


Greenhills PS


Greenhills B VS Sacred Heart – AWAY





9.30am-10.30am approx.


Sacred Heart PS


Coventry Oval

Hot Shots



Sacred Heart PS


Sacred Heart PS


If your child has borrowed any sports uniforms from the school (e.g. basketball singlet, football jumper, cross country & athletics singlet, swimming cap etc), for Interschool Sport or any other sports day, could they please be returned to the office ASAP. 


Earlier this year, Heidi K (5SM) was selected to represent Team Vic at the National Cross Country Championships in Canberra. She will also be doing the same again at the upcoming National Track & Field Championships in Tasmania. This is an amazing achievement and great reward for all the hard work Heidi puts in to reach her goals. 


Participation in Team Vic is self-funded – the cost for each student to attend each School Sport Australia Championships is approximately $1000, which includes uniforms, host state levies, transport, accommodation and meals. 


To assist the family in raising funds, we will be having a Team Colours Day on Thursday 30th November, for a gold coin donation. On this day, come dressed in your favourite team’s colours – this can include, but not limited to, Aussie Rules Football, Soccer, Netball, Basketball or Cricket. Fun sports rotations will also be held through the day, run by some of your Year 6 Leaders. 


If your child achieves something special (grand final win, most valuable player award, best and fairest etc.), please email me ( through photos and an overview of the achievement to post in Contact. It is important to celebrate and recognise such successes with the school community.



Thank you, 


Jordan Daley








2024 Family Contributions         

Are now live on Compass.  To Access them simply click on the “Payment Centre” located on the home page and select Contributions.  Each amount can be adjusted to allow you to choose how much you wish to pay or simply chip away at each amount, when it suits you.

Your contributions make a difference to Greenhills Primary School, they enable us to supply quality resources to our students to enhance their learning.  We received 57% of curriculum consumables and online subs in 2023, we would really like to increase this back to the 80% mark received in previous years. 

Thank you for your continued support—it is appreciated.


If you would still like to make a payment for 2023 this can be done via QKR under 2023 Misc Payment.

Order your Booklists by 3rd December, 2023 for free Delivery.  


* Password: Parents-24




Victoria Harris.










One of the most common questions parents ask as they rush into the room to pull their children apart during conflict is: ‘Who started it?’ Invariably each sibling points at the other. The sibling who is most persuasive or most willing to lie wins the conversation and escapes the bulk of their parents’ wrath. But invariably both siblings are reprimanded, and often sent to their rooms ‘until you can treat one another nicely’. Instead, try using The Vicious Cycle. Walk each child through their answers to each of the areas in the cycle. Check in with your children and make sure that the four boxes represent their view of things. Then, draw the arrows between them and ask four questions:


 1. Who started it?

 2. Who is contributing to it?

 3. Who is responsible for making things better?

 4. Where do we go from here?


Parents Partnerships Leader - Roslyn Mackie 










It is that time of year where if you venture near the Music Room, you will hear students practising and rehearsing for the Music Festival. This year's Festival will be held on Wednesday 29th November at the Nalleijerring Performance Centre at Eltham High School, commencing at 7.30p.m. Participating students need to be at the venue by 7pm.


The Recital and Training Choirs will be performing alongside Danielle's singing students, Steve's guitar students from Grades 3 - 6, the violin ensemble, and an array of solo items. Grade 3 students will also be presenting an item. 


The Music Festival promises to be a great night of musical entertainment. Tickets can be purchased through tryBooking using the following link :

Students performing are not required to buy a ticket.


I look forward to seeing you there.


Kate Stewart.









Get your Colour on, Greenhills Parents Association is hosting a Colour Explosion Fun Run! 

Colour Explosion Fun Run Fun will now be on Thursday 23rd November from 9:30am to 10:30am.

Not only are we hosting an awesome Colour Explosion Fun Run, Students can order up to a total of 5 prizes based on their donations received. They can even mix and match!

Students have received a sponsorship book with instructions on setting up their cybersafe, online fundraising profile at This is an entirely online fundraiser; all cash donations must be converted to online donations to redeem your prizes.

Extra Incentives to Fundraise!

  • Online Golden Coins – complete fun online tasks to redeem an extra $75 towards your prize credit.
  • Monty the Monstar’s Bonus Prizes – achieve milestones to unlock Monty’s bonus prizes.
  • $10,000 JB HI FI Spending Spree for one organisation’s highest fundraising student – it could be you!
  • Our school will win an extra $5,000 if we have the highest average fundraised amount per student in 2023.
  • A Play Station 5 Gaming Bundle – see your child’s sponsorship booklet for more!

For more information, please contact Sarah Leach at

Happy fundraising!



Helpers Needed

If you have a spare hour on a Wed, Thurs or Fri between 1pm and 2pm, come along and help in the canteen. There is no food preparation involved, it's very simple and the kids love seeing parents there!

You need to have completed the Volunteer Induction, and sign up through CareBookings - - access code is JGU9L.

Helpers get a canteen voucher for their kids to use for their next lunch order! 










Term 4 Week 7 - Presented at Assembly 1st of December 2023

Ben TPrep BHBen I love your positive attitude to learning and how you always try your best even if a task seems challenging. Love having you in Prep BH thanks for being so awesome!  
Jasmine BPrep BZFor the amazing holiday journal you completed last week! I loved reading all about your wonderful holiday adventures. Well done for putting in so much effort. You're a superstar!
Eavan CPrep SMFor making a wonderful start to Greenhills. You have already made lots of new friendships and give everything a go. Well done Eavan, keep working hard!
Noah L1GCFor being an excellent role model to your peers. Noah, I can see that your trying really hard to pay attention and set a great example in the class. It is so lovely to see! Well done superstar! 
Liam S1KOFor settling into class each morning ready to share a book with a friend. Liam, we love how you showed us what it looks like to sit down and be 'ready for learning'. Keep it up superstar!
Ava Z2ADFor approaching each learning task with enthusiasm and a positive attitude. I love that you give everything a go, and apply all your learning to be the best you can be. You're amazing, Ava!
Charlotte C2SHFor being a positive, welcoming and positive friend to your peers. Charlotte, you are always so inclusive of everyone, making them feel welcome in your play. You genuinely think about the feelings of others and show kindness every single day- all with a happy sense of humour! Keep on being you!
Zac B2SHFor your enthusiasm and interest you are showing in your persuasive writing. Zac, I love reading your arguments and listening to the way you think about your topic. You are definitely including strong examples and are persuading me, well done buddy! 
Pierce S3AKPierce, your mathematical mind has enabled you to calculate and use a variety of strategies to solve numerous number problems. Keep up the GREAT thinking!
Abby L3RMFor reflecting on her reading and what she reads at home each night and recording it in her Reading Diary. Congratulations Abby for diligently reading every day this year!
Harry P4DSHarry, your role as a great team member, always ready to help others, makes a positive impact on our collective learning environment. Keep up the outstanding work!
Abby W4IHFor the way you have been working hard during our persuasive writing sessions. I have loved the way that you have been really focused and have been putting your hand up to answer questions. Keep up the great work Abby!
Brodie4JRThank you for your fantastic effort and adventure through our fractions unit. It was great to see you reflective on your learning, Keep up the great work.
Tilly A4TWTilly, I love the adventure you are showing during our work on fractions. You are confident finding equivalent fractions and changing improper fractions to mixed numbers.
Patrick N5BCPatrick, thanks for being such a respectful and friendly student in 5BC. You treat everyone with fairness and bring so much joy to our class!
Noah K 5SMNoah, I was so impressed when you showed GRIT in your poetry writing. Your poem about 'Dangerous Duke' was so creative and I absolutely loved watching you push yourself to improve it during our writing sessions. Well done mate!
Callum O6BSYou are certainly finishing your final term at Greenhills with a bang! Cal, the effort and engagement you are showing towards your learning is blowing me away. Keep sharing your wonderful ideas and insight, I am so proud of you!
Sophie M6LRIt's been wonderful to see you step up to the challenges that being a JSC is presenting in your final term at GHPS. Keep up the organisation and focus!
Cordelia, Lily, Claudia & Alexia 3MHMUSICCongratulations girls on the wonderful choreography you created for the Grade 3 Music Festival item. I was also impressed with the way you taught your peers the dance steps.