Junior School

Dear Families 

As we eagerly approach the holiday season, I extend warm wishes to each of you on behalf of the entire Junior School staff. This time of year, is not only a time for festivities but also an opportunity to reflect on the blessings of Advent and the upcoming Christmas celebrations.


In the spirit of Advent, we embrace the sense of anticipation and hope that it brings. Our students, guided by our dedicated educators, are learning the values of patience, kindness, and compassion – virtues that resonate strongly during this season of joy.


We acknowledge and express our deepest gratitude to you, our parents, for being the primary educators of your children. Your unwavering support and partnership in their educational journey contribute significantly to the nurturing environment we strive to provide in the Junior School. Together, we play an integral role in shaping these young minds into compassionate, knowledgeable individuals.


As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, let us also celebrate the gift of community and the bond we share as members of the Junior School family. May the holiday season be filled with joy, love, and moments of togetherness.


Thank you for your continued commitment to the growth and development of our students. Wishing you and your families a blessed holiday season and a Merry Christmas.


Jasmin Kenworthy

Head of Junior School

BMX Spectacular

Yesterday, the Year 5's were delighted to welcome back Old Boy, Todd Meyn (‘09), who showed the students some of his impressive BMX skills!


Todd has pursued BMX professionally and is currently a Nitro Circus Athlete. A highlight of Todd’s successful career includes making finals in the inaugural Nitro World Games. The boys had a spectacular time watching Todd perform his extreme manoeuvrers at the College and learning more about Todd’s professional career.


Todd began his time at the College in Year 4 in Mr Maxfield’s (’79) class. It was a wonderful reunion of teacher and student. Todd spoke to the boys about the importance of leading by example, integrity, sportsmanship and most of all being a ‘Man for Others.’