Shining Star Award 

 Term 4 – Assembly 3





Alice BThank you for brightening our days with your lovely smile and happy attitude at school. We love hearing your laugh and listening to your funny stories!
 Tye HTye, you have been a wonderful addition to Prep A this term. You have shown lots of courage, starting at a new school. We have loved getting to know you. 
 Freddie MFreddie, thank you for your curiosity for learning and your inquiring questions. You always add such thoughtful contributions to our discussions which everyone benefits from. 
 River MRiver, you are a wonderful friend and student in our Prep A classroom. You are so thoughtful and caring towards others. You are such a focussed learner and I’m always amazed by your quiet confidence in your abilities. 
 Acer OAcer, you have been playing so beautifully outside with your friends. It is so lovely to see you happy and enjoying your play times. Keep it up!
 Hendrix THendrix, you are a kind, patient, encouraging and supportive friend. We are so lucky to have you in Prep A, as you always know how to fill someone’s bucket. Thank you.
 Maddison TMaddi, you are such a kind and caring friend. You always know how to support someone who needs a comforting cuddle. Thank you!
 Jordy VJordy, it has been wonderful to see your bravery and courage growing over the term. It is lovely to see you arriving happily at school, ready to learn new things! I’m proud of you!


Jye EFor the insightful questions you ask to make new discoveries. Thank you for helping us learn about the world.
 Mila HThank you for bringing your happy smile and caring nature into our classroom each day. We are lucky to have you in Prep B!
 Frankie MFor the way you always approach learning tasks with a positive attitude and growth mindset!
 Eugene OThank you for bringing your creativity and imaginative ideas to our classroom. We love having you in Prep B
 Matiss For the effort you show to sound out difficult words. Your reading has improved so much. We are so proud of you.
 Pavish SFor the clear way you share your maths thinking with your Prep friends. We love being inspired by you!
 Evie TFor the caring way you look out for your friends at play times. You are such a kind and thoughtful Prep friend!
 Heidi WFor the determination you show when doing challenging learning tasks. Your ‘have a go’ attitude inspires others!




Sadie LYou are so resilient and brave and strong and we are so proud of how far you have grown this year. 
 Ellen KYou are an outstanding student in every way and we couldn't be prouder of you. 








Zara GFor demonstrating respect to your peers by actively listening and for your focused mindset in the classroom. 




Logan MLogan, your skills with writing are mind blowing! I love how you carefully select vocabulary to truly engage your reader. The development in this area over the year has been inspiring. I’m sure that one day I’ll pick up a book and see the author’s name.....Logan Marchingo. 




Lucia CFor your continual, amazing effort this year. The commitment you show to your learning is inspiring. Keep up the incredible work homie!   




Rheya MFor being a kind and friendly classmate for everyone in 5A. Not only that, you also come to school with wonderful ideas for games that help us have heaps of fun! 


Tim WFor the kindness and care you showed to your 2024 buddy! It was great to witness the start of a wonderful friendship!! 


Ellie PFor your focus and hard work during Reading Groups, answering questions with evidence from the text to support your answer. Keep up the great work, Ellie! 


Harrison IYou consistently put your personal best into every learning task and challenge that you’re presented with. Your work is always of a high standard!  




Maya MThank you for being a reliable, helpful and thoughtful member of our community. We love seeing your smiling face every day.