Principal's Message 

Julie Crawford 

As the 2023 school year comes to an end, it's a perfect moment to express gratitude to everyone for making this year at WPPS truly amazing. The sense of community at Wonga Park has often been likened to a big family, and this year was no exception. The connection, care, and sense of belonging we share make our WPPS community something to be immensely proud of.


The final weeks of this term were a whirlwind of celebrations that showcased the incredible young people, teachers, support staff, parents, and our wider community. From the sensational Carols Night to the Grade 1/2 Grandparents Day, the Grade 3/4 Expo, the Prep Buddy Christmas Picnic, the outstanding Grade 6 Graduation and the emotional final assembly bidding farewell to our Grade 6 students, these were precious opportunities for our community to come together and share special moments.


Reflecting on the year, there are many people to thank for their hard work, contribution, and commitment. Special appreciation goes to our Grade 6 students for being fantastic leaders, role models, and buddies to their prep buddies. You've left an indelible mark, and we'll miss you. A big thank you to our School Captains, Vice Captains, Ambassadors and Captains – Sport, Art, Auslan, Performing Arts, ICT and Library- for being dedicated  and representing your peers admirably.


A massive thank you to our leadership team, teachers, and support staff for their unwavering commitment to our students and families. Your knowledge, passion and commitment inspire our learning community to thrive.

To Kerry and Lesley, your friendly and helpful support never goes unnoticed. You are both amazing and brighten our days!


A big shout-out to our School Council who all generously give their time throughout the year to oversee the governance of our school.  A special thank you to Michelle Rose, our school council president for her capable and passionate leadership and to Narelle Evans who has worked tirelessly over many years in partnerships and fund-raising.  As Narelle’s time finishes on School Council we would like to acknowledge all of her hard work and dedication to help coordinate events and help raise funds for our school.  Thank you Narelle, you have been amazing. We are going to miss you!


We would also like to thank the Their Care team for the care they provide to our students, contributing to the well-being of our school community.


To our parents, carers, grandparents, siblings, and the wider community, thank you for your ongoing support What we achieve at Wonga Park is truly special and is only possible through the incredible people that partner with us.


As we bid farewell to 2023, we also say goodbye to those who won't be returning in 2023. Thank you for being part of our special Wonga Park family and for your invaluable contributions. Special thanks and farewell to teachers Emily O’Callaghan and Angelina Sercia and Education Support  Lauren Basilone for their contributions to WPPS.  We wish them well for the future.  Taking leave next year will be Kendall Jess, Michelle Sabatucci and Ben White from Term 1 onwards.  We hope you have an exciting year ahead! 


We are also very sad to be saying goodbye to Jen Dooley who has been a wonderful support to so many students, parents and staff over the past 11 years in her role as psychologist and counsellor. We thank Jen for her enormous contribution to Wonga Park. Her wisdom, kindness, knowledge and compassion will be greatly missed. Wishing Jen all the very best for the future.


Working with such amazing, kind, compassionate, and dedicated teachers, support staff, and our wonderful community has been an absolute privilege. Thank you for your support, kindness, and investment in our wonderful school.


Staffing Structure 2024

We will yet again, have an amazing team of teachers and support staff in 2024. As well as our wonderful current staff, who will be returning next year, we warmly welcome back from leave – Carly Pike. We also welcome new staff members Miranda Radtke, Bridie Archer, Emily Leydin and Anthea Sampson


The structure for 2024 is as follows -



Julie Crawford

Assistant Principal  

Adele Brice

Learning Specialists 

Terri Gioia (Curriculum)

Rachel Barnes (Wellbeing)

Business Manager

Kerry Davenport


Lesley Grimley & Natalie McKinnon


Lauren Goodwin 

Foundation Team

PA – Elle Powell 

PB - Natalia Dimitriou  

PC - Julie Barnden / Bek Reynolds 

1/2 Team

1A – Miranda Radtke / Emma Broadhurst 

1B – Natasha Tymensen 

2A – Cindy Norman 

2B – Jocelyn Hollyman

1/2C – Anita Beever

3/4 Team

3A –Anthea Sampson / Bek Reynolds 

3B – Katherine McGreevy

4A - Kylie Sledge 

4B – Bridie Archer / Jade Lethbridge 

3/4 C – Sharmini Philp 

5/6 Team

5A –Lauren Goodwin / Terri Gioia 

5B – Emily Leydin

5C – Rachel Barnes / Carly Pike 

6A – Nina Gridchin

6B – Jonah Read

6C – Meryl Archibald 

Specialist Team

Art - Liz Kearton + Kristy Salisbury 

PE – Sean Holland 

Sensory Gym – Nathan Percy

Performing Arts – Tim Phillips

STEM –Emma Broadhurst / Jenny Barr / Nathan Percy

Auslan – Nathan Percy

TLI and Extension - Clare Collins 

SAKG – Dimi Mioni

Wellbeing Support - Laura Kennedy (Mon-Wed).

ES Team

Wendy Allison

Georgette Hosking

Julie Evans

Danielle Collins

Elli Grasso


Save the Date - Getting To Know You Interviews - Tuesday, 30th January 2024

Please put the date for the 2024 Getting To Know You Interviews in your diary.  More detailed information will come in the new year, once the office  staff have completed the administration roll over.  The interviews will be onsite during the day of Tuesday, 30th January, 2024.


Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable break. Looking forward to an exciting 2024 filled with new opportunities and adventures.

Best wishes
