From the Principal's Desk

Welcome to Week 8! 

Captains for 2024

Next Monday 4th December Year 5 students will have the opportunity to present a speech for the role of 2024 captains. This will occur at 9:30am in the hall. Students are encouraged to wear their formal school uniform. 

Stage 3 Major Excursion

Our Stage 3 students and teachers have been at their excursion in Coffs Harbour. Mrs Deiderick, Mrs Bull, and Miss Cullen accompanied the students to the Coffs Coast Adventure Centre. Everyone has had a wonderful time and we are sure they will all sleep well tonight!

Kindergarten Armidale Secondary College farm visit

Today our Kindergarten class, Miss Barraclough and Miss See visited the Armidale Secondary College's farm. The children all loved seeing the pigs, piglets, chickens, cattle and sheep. We have some future farmers amongst us! 

A big thank you to ASC for sharing your minibus to get us there, Mr Mark Fisher (Teacher at ASC and MGPS parent) and the ASC students who also helped. We also saw some familiar faces of past students who came to school here at MGPS.


Armidale Secondary College Future Teachers Club

Today we had students from ASC Future Teachers Club come to our Stage 1 classes and teach a mini lesson. The Future Teachers Club is made up of students who are either motivated to become teachers, or wish to explore the possibility of a career as teachers, while also building a range of skills. The 5 students from ASC represented their school with respect, responsibility and resilience, and presented engaging and fun lessons. We even had a student from ASC who attended Martin's Gully when she was in primary school. Well done future teachers! 


Celebration of Learning Assembly 


The Celebration of Learning Assembly will be held next week on Friday 8th December starting at 12:00pm.  

Parents will be notified if your child will be receiving an award. 

The choir will also be performing.



PAX Word of the Fortnight: SPORTMANSHIP

                                                       Weeks 7 and 8



What Is Sportsmanship?  Sportsmanship is when people who are playing or watching a sport treat each other with respect.  This includes players, parents, coaches, officials, and fans. 

How can you encourage others to show sportsmanship?   



Every Day Matters

Regular attendance helps your child to feel comfortable in their surroundings, develop, build and maintain friendships with other children, and have good relationships with school staff.  School gives your child new experiences and sets the foundation for their future. Set your child up for success at school with regular attendance.



Good attendance is key to your child being able to fulfil their potential and make good progress in school. #EveryDayMatters 

Missing a day here or there may not seem like much, but absences add up and can negatively impact your child’s learning and wellbeing. When your child misses one day a week that’s 40 days of school and 8 weeks of learning in one year. Over an entire school journey this adds up to 2.5 years of lost learning.



Let's do this together. 



We do lots of fabulous learning each and every day in our school. 

Stage 3 have grown plants including tomatoes and herbs using the aeroponics kit with Mrs Dunham during Library and Digital Learning time. The seedlings were transplanted into our school vege patch!


Stage 1 have been mathematical investigators and found which 2D shapes are in a cylinder. They used paper shapes to construct an informative poster.

Stage 2 had a budget for an expedition.  They were given a catalog from BCF and asked to buy items they may need for their journey.  This took careful planning and calculating the costs so as not to not spend all the money.


Kindergarten students created their own sentences using rhythm and rhyme to experiment with creative wordplay.  Wow!  Amazing writing!


Nature play

Nature play continues each day during the second half of lunch.  Playing in our nature area,reconnects kids to nature with all the benefits that come from this: the resilience, the tranquillity, the challenge, the fun and the beauty.  Nature play fosters good development in our children, mentally, socially and physically and is a sensory experience for them. Through playing in nature and having the freedom to explore their world, we help our children learn to care for their environment and one another.


Can you spot your child in one of the photos?



Peta Deiderick and Felicity Pennington

Relieving Principals