From the Director of Teaching and Learning K-12
Ms Chelsea Mouritz
From the Director of Teaching and Learning K-12
Ms Chelsea Mouritz
Insight: Catholic Education Tasmania and Shaping Minds
The College teaching staff are privileged to be working collaboratively with educational professionals from Shaping Minds through the Catholic Education Tasmania project, Insight. Shaping Minds is an organisation that combines the science of learning with the art of teaching. The science of learning is an evidence-based approach to pedagogy that is improving student outcomes nationally. The educators from Shaping Minds use evidence-based professional learning, instructional coaching, curriculum expertise and customised teaching resources for schools in a diverse range of contexts (Shaping Minds, 2025).
There are 20 teachers and leaders across the College who are actively participating in the instructional coaching, implementing evidence-based techniques into their daily classroom practices. Sharing resources and practices is a priority for the College as teachers continue to grow by observing and implementing pedagogies. The opening session began at MacKillop College on Monday 3 March, with five teachers engaging in these evidence-based techniques.
Junior School classes have begun implementation with differentiated learning groups for Spelling Mastery in Years 3-6, and explicit instruction for Mathematics. Year 8 students have begun explicit reading fluency lessons in Literacy classes and differentiated Mathematics classes in Years 8-10, responding to individual student needs and providing rich learning opportunities that target knowledge and skills.
Connect: The College Learning Management System
Students have settled into classroom routines, demonstrating responsibility for their learning. All classes are using Connect to provide learning resources and material to engage students. Connect, the College Learning Management System, allows families to engage in their child’s learning progress. The College encourages parents and carers to discuss their child’s learning through Connect by viewing learning moments, feedback, and upcoming learning experiences.
All families received a welcome email from Catholic Education Tasmania with a link to access Connect. The Password Reset documentwill assist parents and carers if a password reset is necessary to obtain access.
Families are also encouraged to add Connect as a phone app on their home screen using these guidelines. Additional information to gain access and utilise the Connect app, including push notifications, can be found in the Welcome Families Presentation.
Please find more information about Connect on the College website: