From the Deputy Principal
Mrs Caroline Wilson-Haffenden
From the Deputy Principal
Mrs Caroline Wilson-Haffenden
Building strong foundations: Empowering students through the Pillars program
The Pillars program is an integral part of the College’s Wellbeing program. Underpinned by the College’s values of Respect, Relationships, Responsibility and Resilience, Pillars is designed to provide students with experiences that focus on developing essential skills for both academic success and personal growth, enabling them to thrive in today’s fast-paced and changing world.
Just over a fortnight ago, the Year 7 students engaged in a variety of activities and opportunities as part of their Pillars Experience. A full report of the week can be found in this edition of The Fountain. The Year 8, 9 and 10 students will also be offered a Pillars Experience outside the classroom later this year.
This week, the Year 10 students will work with small groups of Year 7 or 8 students as Peer Support Leaders. They will facilitate a range of activities that focus on values, respect, communication skills and resilience. Meeting in small groups allows meaningful connections to form, fostering a sense of community and a supportive environment. The Year 9 students have already developed an action plan to achieve identified goals and, through the Ponder program, are currently exploring the concept of envisioning one’s future self.
A range of guest speakers will work with students in the coming months. The Year 10 students have already enjoyed The PPEP Talk, an age-appropriate information session about periods, pain and endometriosis. A similar opportunity will be provided to the Year 9 students later this term.
Most significantly, a timetable restructure has allowed us to schedule a weekly Pillars session for the Year 11 and 12 students. In the coming weeks, the students will have an opportunity to focus on goal setting. A number of guest speakers have been scheduled to support students as they prepare to shape their career and tertiary pathways.
At the heart of the College’s Pillars program is Professor Martin Seligman’s PERMAH framework:
When students are well-positioned physically, mentally and emotionally, they are in the mindset to learn and achieve. The timetabled Pillars lessons provide an opportunity to foster ongoing connections and to practice skills and strategies that promote positive behaviours, a growth mindset and resilience.