Student Voice | Prefect Report
Sarah Wilson (Year 12), Prefect for Events and Communications
Student Voice | Prefect Report
Sarah Wilson (Year 12), Prefect for Events and Communications
As we begin the new school year as the Prefects for the class of 2025, we are filled with immense pride and excitement for the year ahead. Each year, St Mary’s College selects a guiding Presentation value to focus on, fostering an environment of growth and reflection within the school community. This year, the school has chosen hospitality as its central touchstone, emphasising the importance of kindness, inclusivity and a welcoming spirit for all.
In alignment with the theme of hospitality, the 2025 Year 12 Prefects have chosen to support and fundraise for Tassie Mums. Tassie Mums is a not-for-profit, volunteer-led group that provides essential items to babies and children in need. Tassie Mums collects donations of both new and preloved baby and children’s items and clothing, which are supported by local individuals and businesses. The Prefects, in collaboration with the SMC students and community, are excited to raise money for Tassie Mums throughout the school year.
In fostering a positive space for mental health, the Prefect for Wellbeing, Olivia Hunniford Webb, is focused on implementing ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’, which will take place in Pastoral Care. On Wednesdays, Pastoral Care groups will be asked to complete activities to support strengthening our mental health and approaching hard days with a positive mindset. The activities will be focused on the Five Aspects of Wellbeing: Connect, Be Active, Learn, Take Notice and Give.
For Lent this year in the St Mary’s calendar, Maggie Robinson, Deputy Prefect and Prefect for Identity and Mission, has written a few words, included here:
The St Mary’s liturgical year has kicked off this week with significant feast and observance days leading up to Lent. Shrove Tuesday was celebrated yesterday on the College Green, with the SMC Cares group cooking up traditional pancakes for $2, in respect to the final fast day before the start of the Lenten season. Shrove Tuesday certainly reflects our Presentation touchstone for the year—hospitality. Our students gave up their recess to serve the wider school community, junior and senior students alike, reflecting the service charism of the Presentation Sisters and our school’s founder, Nano Nagle.
As we begin Lent today, Ash Wednesday services were held across the College. The cross marked on our foreheads in ash from last year’s Palm Sunday Mass reminds us that we are sons and daughters of Christ, and how, through his suffering on the cross, we are born again into eternal life and love. As solemn a season as Lent is, it’s not all about suffering.
Lent is a time when the Church encourages us to reflect deeply on the choices we have made over this past year and the people we wish to become in the lead-up to Easter. Acknowledging where we have fallen short of our potential, reconciling with those we might have hurt and abstaining from an indulgence (i.e., shopping, gossip, screen time) are small but significant ways that we can share in the sacrifice of Jesus and offer up these gifts for those who suffer in our world.
This Lent, let us be people of hope and almsgiving, sharing what we have with those who go without, and identifying areas of improvement in our own lives, so that we can lead lives of fulfillment and joy in Christ.