St Mark's Therapy Dog 

Dear Parents & Guardians,

I am writing to remind you of our school's four legged friend, Coco who will continue to work as a trained Therapy Dog at our school this year. Coco will work alongside her handler, 5/6 classroom teacher Miranda Ryan.

Miranda is trained as Coco’s primary handler, with the pair undergoing extensive training to work together as a school based therapy dog team. Coco will be mainly working with students in 5/6 each week. You will see Coco wearing an orange vest to identify her whilst working.


Her training encompasses a specialised structured approach that is based on positive methods delivered alongside well-known educational philosophies and strategies that are recommended for supporting student wellbeing and mental health within a school environment. The positive impact of students spending time with animals has been well documented. The benefits include reduced stress and anxiety levels, increased confidence, self-esteem and learning outcomes.


The dog’s health and well-being is prioritised along with that of the children and staff. All vaccinations, worming treatments and vet checks will be up-to-date and if Coco is ill, she will not be allowed into school.


Student expectations. 

Students will:

- be reminded of appropriate behaviours around the dog and remain calm around her at all times.

- be gentle and not make sudden movements.

- not put their face near the dog.

- not disturb the dog while eating, drinking or sleeping.


Concerns and Considerations:

- Coco has a non-shedding hypoallergenic coat, which is suitable for students with allergies.

- Coco will only interact with students who want to work with her. This is to be mindful of students that may not like dogs or have a fear of them.

- Coco will be on a leash at all times whilst on school grounds; she will not be free to roam.

- She is up to date with all her vaccinations, council registration and is groomed regularly.- Coco will have access to food, water and be given multiple opportunities to be brought outside for bathroom breaks during the day.

- Coco will be toileted in a designated area, away from students' play spaces, with all waste disposed of immediately.


We are extremely excited to continue to work with Coco at St Mark’s and know that her influence is a positive one for staff and students. Placing and integrating a Therapy Dog into a school has involved significant planning and training requiring a thorough approach. Coco will begin visiting the school over the coming weeks.


If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Miranda directly.


Kind Regards

Miranda Ryan and Frances Matisi