Sports News

Important Dates:
- Wednesday 19th of March: 3-6 Crosscountry
- Friday 21st of March: Ride2school day
- Tuesday 13th of May: District Cross Country at Karkarook park
Multiclass in District sports
I just wanted to let you know that SSV, School Sports Victoria who oversee our interschool sport and sporting carnivals are now accepting a new classification, ii3, Autism without intellectual disability.
This allows students who are formally classified to participate in multiclass events. There is a bit of a processing time of 6-8 weeks to finalise a classification so if your child is eligible and would like to participate in future District events such as swimming, Cross Country and Track & Field competitions please feel to apply or contact Miss Amerena at
We have had students at our school with classifications before which has made a huge difference to their confidence and sport ability.
Please see attached flyer.
Interschool Sports - Term 1
Sports Uniform:
Over the next couple of years we will be phasing out the solid green sports polos and only having one sports top for all levels. The sports top that all students will wear is the polo top with the St Mark's lion on it, that the 5/6 students currently wear for interschool sport. We were finding that for some sporting events the 3/4 children also needed to wear the "interschool sport top" and they did not have it and it is also an additional expense for our Year 5/6 families that is not necessary - one sport top is plenty. Both the current green sports polos and the St Mark's lion sports polo are acceptable wear for PE days for all students. Year 5/6 students are still required to wear the St Mark's lion interschool sports top on interschool sport days. Once we are further underway with the roll out of the new sports top we will set a date where students can no longer wear the green polo - but that will be quite some time away so please do not worry.