Principal's Report
with Mr Christopher Cotching
Principal's Report
with Mr Christopher Cotching
The reprieve of the hot weather this week has been welcome even if our wonderful brick building has retained the heat somewhat. Please be advised that on hot days or overly windy days we do modify our recess and lunch times, and make other arrangements. Please be assured that all our air conditioners have been serviced recently to manage the significant conditions and are working well in all classrooms and learning spaces.
Foundation Enrolments for 2026
In recent times we have conducted tours for prospective parents who have an interest in enrolling their children for 2026 and beyond. It is such a magnificent time to be joining our school as we have seen the completion of our major capital works, and our brand-new classrooms and modified specialist areas are now well completed. I have advised prospective parents that until our new boundaries are finally declared we will be taking enrolments from outside our immediate and current zone. This zone was put in place some years ago to reduce the size of the school given the lack of space. Now that our Building Program is largely completed, we do have the capacity to extend this enrolment zone.
State Schools Spectacular 2025
In recent times Ms Georgina Kirwan and Ms Hannah Spivak have been immersed in preparations for our schools’ involvement in the State Schools Spectacular. On Friday evening of Friday 21st February 2025, I joined with Ms Kirwan in an expansive professional learning experience to prepare for our school's involvement in this wonderful event. We were delighted when we were selected to participate and had clearly demonstrated to organisers in the past our determined commitment to this demanding, but rewarding experience. It is a real privilege to be chosen, and we are grateful, but mindful about what is involved. This is an exceptional opportunity for those students involved with so much additional leadership and organisation to be provided by Ms Kirwan and Ms Spivak. On Thursday 6th March our students had enjoyed their first area dance rehearsal as part of many for the weeks and months ahead.
School Council 2025
The first meeting of the new School Council is scheduled for Monday 17th March 2025. At this meeting we elect Office Bearers for 2025 and convenors of our Committees of School Council. Following the close of the School Council Election process, we continue to have the opportunity to appoint two co-opted positions to the School Council. These positions are open to parents and community members for 2025. If you are interested in being considered for one of these positions, please contact me at
Any expressions of interest in this regard will be considered by the School Council at its first meeting for 2025.
Student Leaders at Chatham
We are excited and focussed about the role of our Student Year 6 Leaders at Chatham. It is a program that provides extraordinary opportunities for the individual growth and development of all students involved. The feedback from the destination schools at Year 7 from the Government, Independent and Catholic sectors inform us that our students are highly prepared, confident, articulate and have high order presentation and leadership skills – and mostly beyond their peers.
All Year 6 students received their Leadership Badge and Rugby Top at a School Assembly on Monday 3rd March 2025. It was fabulous to have the Federal Member for Kooyong, Dr Monique Ryan in attendance to present the badges for our students and provide her thoughts about leadership and opportunities. We congratulate the following students:
School Captains | Japanese Captains | Visual Arts Captains | Junior School Councillors | |||
Madeleine McEwan | Jaiden Atienza | Maya Henry | Christian Velkovski | |||
Banjo James | Lachlan Fang | Jasmine Rodriguez | Angelina Sfelagis | |||
Georgia Lomer | ||||||
School Vice Captains | Performing Arts Captains | Mathematics Captains | Leah Redfern | |||
Zara Foxley-Conolly | Morris Lee | Vincent Liang | Olive Ebacioni | |||
Conor O'Brien | August Kennon | Zoe Lu | Zara Heath | |||
Brinkley Benbow | James Goold | |||||
Corbett Captain | Science Captains | Joel Pham | Jess Stambe | |||
Grace Barnett | Neeson Shi | Katrina Poon | ||||
Jack Coulthard | Lu-Kun Law | English Captains | Jackson Walker | |||
Lyla Toone | ||||||
Fenton Captain | Environment Captains | James Newberry | ||||
Grace Clayton | Amelie Chin | |||||
Elliott Lioe | Sadie Donald | |||||
Charlotte Gangell | ||||||
McEvoy Captain | George Peck | |||||
William Hughes | Molly Mackenzie | |||||
Ella Egan | Hugh Davies | |||||
Nugent Captain | ICT Captains | |||||
Lia Willis | Matthew Oswin | |||||
Sammy Newman | Jack Fitz-Patrick |
Summer Interschool Sport – Years 5 & 6
The experiences of our students with softball, cricket, volleyball and tennis have been uplifting this year, as have been the magnificent sports journalism reported with intricate detail and aplomb at Monday morning assemblies. I am pleased to note that our written talents are in equal measure on this occasion to our sporting prowess. Our students are achieving great success, and I convey our appreciation for the inspiration, coaching and attention to detail provided by our Physical Education and Sports Teacher, Mr Walter Boulton. Additional interest has also been generated by the quality of the sports related books purchased recently by Mr Boulton for our School Library.
Traffic in Banool Road – Kiss and Go Zone - Parking
Please continue to assist us here by timely and prompt kiss and going as you alight from Banool Road in the mornings or when you collect your children in the afternoon. Some of these kisses and go performances seem to have taken longer than would normally be considered acceptable, as cars have remained for an extended duration. This conundrum has not gone unnoticed by the City of Boroondara Traffic Infringement Officers. I expect that some windows may be tapped the days ahead and fines issued.
As always there is so much positive experience occurring at our school and I will have more to share in the coming weeks.
Christopher Cotching