Mission & Religious Education News

Prayer for Week 1 in Lent

Dear Lord,

I know you receive what is in my heart.

Let me be inspired by your words

and by the actions of your son, Jesus.

Guide me to make sacrifices this Lent

in the spirit of self-denial

and with greater attention to you

and to those around me.

Help me to believe that you will grant me this

because of the sacrifice Jesus made for me.


New Bishop

Welcome to Rev Dr Peter Murphy the 11th Bishop of Armidale. Details regarding the ordination at Sts Mary and Joseph Cathedral to follow.


Cornerstones is a micro qualification run through BBI-TAITE for ACS staff that is helpful in upskilling those working or intending to in the Religious Education space. It is a free qualification with time given each term for webinars and workshops to complete tasks.


To enrol or to continue your enrolment from last year, simply complete THIS FORM. 


Dates for Cornerstones this term (choose one) are March 14 or March 28.


As this is a BBI-TAITE course, not an ACS course, if you have any problems with the Zoom classes or the Blackboard site, please contact BBI directly. 

Jubilee Day Mass

The Cathedral is on a pilgrimage! How is that possible? Well, it is not quite the actual Cathedral but it is a very detailed miniature replica. It will visit every parish and every school will have an opportunity to visit the mini Cathedral to find out more about the role of the Bishop, the place of the Cathedra and the Cathedral.  The pilgrimage kicks off with Jubilee Day at the actual Cathedral on March 25 which coincides with the Annunciation. Mass is at 12:15pm and there is morning tea, adoration and lunch in the cathedral precinct from 10.00am.

Long Walk for Water

Armidale Catholic Schools has registered a team for Caritas Australia’s Long Walk For Water. If you would like to sign up, please use our team link and sign up through the “Join My Team” button! 

New Staff Induction

New Staff to our schools and system are required to attend an induction day in Armidale. There are 2 upcoming dates throughout the year to ease the burden for schools with a number of new staff and to cater for those that join the diocese later. To register for these days, please liaise with your leadership team and complete THIS REGISTRATION FORM.

The dates for 2025 are:

  • September 4
  • October 23

Upcoming Important Church Calendar Days


Sun 16    2nd Sunday of Lent 

Mon 17    Saint Patrick

 Tue 18    commemoration of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

Wed 19    Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Sun 23    3rd Sunday of Lent

Tue 25    The Annunciation of the Lord 

4th Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)