From the Director of Student Culture & Character Development 

BMGS Behaviour Management Guidelines – Restorative Practices Defined

The School’s Behaviour Management Guidelines are based on restorative practices. This type of approach is not punitive in nature and accepts that we all make mistakes and have the ability to work towards ‘fixing’ the problem we have created or show remorse for the impact we have had on others. The approach we take is inclusive and concerned with maintain and building connectedness and belonging between all members of our community. It aims to build positive relationships across the school environment and encourage an awareness in all members of our community of the dignity of each individual. An ongoing consequence is to create a community where escalation of conflict is prevented and handling conflict and wrongdoing is done in a creative and healthy manner.


It is estimated that the implementation of restorative practices in a school community can take at least five years or more. As such, our Behaviour Management Guidelines are still a work in progress. We have introduced service or reflection rather than any punitive punishments. Service usually takes the form of assisting the School with its cleanliness or helping others in the community. Reflections are an opportunity for our young people to speak with a range of pastoral care leaders. These discussions focus upon acknowledging poor judgement and the often negative impacts of actions on others. This process is supported by the integration of the School‘s values and behaviours into the restoration process. 


If you have any questions about the processes we use in behaviour management at School, please do not hesitate to contact the Director of Student Culture and Character Development (Wellbeing), Ms Jacqueline Haines, on 4757 9000 or by email at

Tutor Program – Social and Emotional Learning

As a part of our Tutor Program, BMGS has access to a library of resources in the Social & Emotional Development area. One of the resources provided is the ability for school parents to register for a series of webinars. The first one of these is ”Managing Anxiety”, to be aired on Thursday 14th March at 6:30pm. The process of registration looks quite easy. Please use the following link to register your interest and Wellio will email you a code to join the class -

Please note this is offered to all schools using the Wellio program.


Ms Jacqueline Haines

Director of Student Culture and Character Development