JSC - Student Voice Report

By Aeki, Diyoni, Suwi and Tanmay (Student Voice Captains)

Dear GWPS community, 


We are the Student Voice Captains for 2024 and our names are Aeki, Diyoni, Suwi and Tanmay. 


On the 4th of March, the Student Voice JSC Representatives had our first meeting! We discussed what Student Voice meant to us, as well as what leadership qualities we could bring to our role. We also discussed what our responsibilities are as Junior School Council members. We are so excited to implement some exciting actions this year! Below is what we are planning to achieve: 



Term One:

By the end of Term One all classes will have their very own Student Voice box that they have decorated and personalised. The reason why every class has their own box is so that students can provide feedback, feedforward and their suggestions. Also, we want to make sure all students are heard loud and clear! That is the main purpose.


Term Two:


There will be new clubs started at playtime that students can enjoy. We have Student Voice representatives in each class so they can survey their class to gain suggestions for clubs. This way students can learn time management skills and ways to take initiative.

- They can learn new things in each club.

- They might try new clubs and make new friends

- Students will be excited and engaged during their lunch break



Term Three:


We will be gaining students’ voice to see what areas of the school they would like to enhance to improve their outside experience. This might link to ideas such as; creating and maintaining a veggie patch, having clean up days to make sure our school is kept neat and tidy, or using up all of the school yard by adding in extra equipment/games.


Term Four:


Our aim is to decorate the Specialist classroom spaces. We will be having a Student Voice JSC meeting and we will be brainstorming all the options on decorating the Specialist classrooms. All the Specialist classrooms will each have their own options and we will have a vote on which option will be the chosen one to be. This way we can hear what everyone’s thoughts are on the classrooms. Furthermore, we will make sure that the specialist teachers are happy with it too! Don’t worry, teachers! 


We wish to make our lovely school even better by adding all of our fellow students’ voice and choice to the decisions that are made! We thank all of the parents and teachers for their support throughout our journey!


Thank you!


Aeki, Diyoni, Suwi and Tanmay (Student Voice Captains)