JSC - Sustainability Report

By Navya, Sahana, Havish and Milan - Environment Captains

Dear families,


Our names are Navya, Sahana, Havish and Milan. We are the Environment Captains for 2024. We had our first JSC meeting today and are really excited to work with the JSC Environment representatives from Prep to Year 6. We are here to talk about the Sustainability Action Plan that we will initiate this year. We have lots of plans for all four terms this year.


In Term 1, we are educating the GWPS community about our recycling procedures and practices.


In Term 2, we will have a nude food day to help decrease the amount of single use plastics in GWPS community. Our JSC members will encourage their class to bring food to school without plastic. The winning class will be announced at Assembly. We are also going to create signs for bins to educate the community about the correct bins to use when recycling. 


In Term 3, we will be considering the use of compost bins to make sure fruit and vegetable scraps don’t go to waste.  With compost bins we will be able to have less scraps on the floors and garbage bins at schools. We are hoping to have more Nude Food days also.


In Term 4, we will educate the school community on minimising electrical use and water wastage by talking to the peer mediators and teaching everyone how to look after out water taps.


This year we also plan to research and hopefully use the Container Deposit Scheme at GWPS. 


We are really excited about working with the JSC in 2024.


Thank you,

Navya, Sahana, Havish and Milan