Assistant Principal's Report

By Amanda Seach

Introducing the Science of Language and Reading at GWPS.


Our school philosophy is that:


1. Students are at the centre of everything that we do

2. Building Staff Capacity is paramount and

3. Everything we do is based on research and a Whole School Approach


As such, we are proud to share that we have adopted a whole school approach to the teaching and learning of the English language in the first three years of schooling that aligns with the most up to date research. A thorough investigation was undertaken in 2023 and the decision made to adopt InitiaLit in our Prep to Year 2 classrooms from 2024. InitiaLit has been developed by MultiLit – a research initiative of Macquarie University- who provide a suite of teaching and learning programs and resources.


InitiaLit is designed using the Science of Language and Reading principles. Students are taught in a systematic and structured sequence, underpinned by oral language, the 5 Big Ideas of Reading:

  • Phonemic awareness
  • Phonics
  • Fluency
  • Vocabulary knowledge and
  • Comprehension

Screener assessments are conducted at the beginning of each school year to inform small group teaching sessions along with frequent progress monitoring and cumulative reviews which occur throughout each term. There is an emphasis on frequent short assessments of learning rather that less frequent larger assessments. This aligns with the components of instruction from learning sciences:

  • Active engagement
  • Spaced repetition and exposure
  • Spaced and regular recall
  • Practice in different contexts
  • Feedback and error correction
  • Explanation and
  • Connection to existing knowledge

Students participate in whole class direct explicit instruction sessions, small group teacher sessions and practice the application of learnt skills during independent learning tasks. Storybook sessions featuring quality children’s literature are also included which develop vocabulary, oral language and comprehension competence. 


Feedback from our learners on this approach to teaching and learning has been positive with reflections such as, 


•        We like writing our own sentences 

•        We like the worksheets and the reading groups 

•        We like writing in the spelling books 

•        We like the tricky words 

•        We like echo reading with the class 

•        We like saying the sounds while writing the words


To learn more about InitiaLit you may watch this 10min video produced by MultiLit.


I would like to acknowledge the dedication and professionalism of our Junior School teachers, led by our English Learning Specialist Samantha Stefanidis, who have taken on board all the necessary learning to implement this approach within their classrooms with diligence, collegiality and enthusiasm. In term Two we look forward to deepening staff capacity through involvement in the AERO (Australian Education Research Organisation) SOLAR project through the completion of La Trobe Universities Science of Language and Reading Short Course.