Year 6

Ms Riolo, Ms Miller & Ms Jan

Hello and welcome back Year 6 families!

Wow what a great start to the year we have had. The Year 6 students have settled into their new classes extremely well and are already demonstrating our school values at an exceptional level in and outside the classroom. 


Our Literacy sessions are full of new learning and boy are we enjoying them! We have learnt so much already and we are only two weeks in. In literacy so far we have been practising our handwriting and how to correctly form each letter. We have also started morphology lessons. Our focus for morphology has been learning when to ‘drop the e’ in certain words. We learnt that when a word ends in e and the suffix starts with a vowel we need to drop the e.


Our favourite part of our literacy block is our novel unit. We have started reading ‘The Last Bear’. This book is about a young girl named April who moves to the Arctic circle with her Dad while he studies the weather patterns and the effects of global warming in the Arctic. We have had such rich discussions during this session and have been able to hear our peers' perspectives on the text. 


In Writing we have been focusing on the different sentence types and how we can use these sentence types to expand our writing. We learnt the difference between simple, compound and complex sentences and how we can expand simple sentences and turn them into complex sentences. 



In Numeracy, we have been looking at three different strands of maths! We have looked at Place Value, Shape and Time. In Place Value we learnt how to partition numbers and order them in ascending and descending order. In Time we have been learning how to solve elapsed time using 24 hour time. Lastly in shape we have looked at 3D objects and their nets. We also had the opportunity to create our own 3D objects using their nets. . 



In Year 6 we started our first two Auslan sessions, we learnt how to sign the alphabet and colours such as red, blue and green. We are super excited to learn more about Auslan and how to sign correctly. 



The Resilience Project

We completed our first lesson with the Resilience Project. We watched our first video and learnt about gratitude. We learnt that it is important to focus on what we are grateful for as it helps us see the positives in different situations. We also completed our first page in our resilience project journal. We completed the ‘all about me’ page and got to tell our peers what makes us happy, who makes us smile, who we are grateful for and what we are lucky to have.