Year 5

Mr Jones, Ms Miller, Ms Armstrong & Ms Rowley 

Year 5 Newsletter 


We have had a busy start to Literacy in Year 5. We have begun to read our cohort novel ‘The Wild Robot’ and have been discussing the important parts of the story. The children have been really enthusiastic about reading the book as we begin to delve deeper into the important ideas throughout the novel. As part of our writing focus, students have been learning about clauses (a group of words in a sentence that contain a subject and a verb). We have also been learning about paragraph structure and how to build a strong paragraph when writing.


In Numeracy, the Year 5 students have been developing their understanding of ‘Place Value’. We have been learning to read and write 6 digit numbers and have partitioned those numbers to gain a deeper understanding of what each digit represents. The students have also been learning about the concept of time. We have been focusing on converting between 12 and 24 hour time. The students enjoyed connecting 3D shapes to their 2D equivalent. They tackled the challenge of building 3D shapes using their net with enthusiasm and resilience!

SEL (Social and Emotional Learning)

In SEL, we have been unpacking our school values and discussing why each is essential to ensure we remain happy and healthy at GPPS. The students had to apply their knowledge of each value and explain how they would demonstrate those values in their daily lives. We have learnt about the importance of our school's Acknowledgement of Country and created our own for each individual class. This year we have been introduced to the ‘The Resilience Project’ and its founder Hugh Van Cuylenburg and are excited to learn more about it and how it will empower our students.


In Auslan, the Grade 5 students were introduced to the letters of the alphabet with a focus on vowels. Students learnt how to sign their name, our school, and challenged themselves to sign their friends' names. In the coming weeks, the children will learn how to communicate and greet others.



During Investigation lessons, students have been applying their knowledge that we have been building during our writing sessions, and have started writing paragraphs about our core knowledge unit on ‘The Wild Robot’. Our students have drafted an informational paragraph about robots using the correct paragraph structure. The children will continue to build on their knowledge of robots throughout the coming weeks.