
Ms Oldield, Ms Black, Ms Achilles, Ms Lancuba, Ms Walker, Ms Nicholas and Ms Seru

Welcome to Learning in Foundation


We would like to all welcome existing and new families to Foundation.

The first couple of weeks in Foundation have been about establishing our routines and gaining knowledge about our school. 




Foundation students have had so much fun learning with our Little Learners Love Literacy program and building their knowledge of initial sounds. We have learnt about Milo monkey, Sally snake, Felix Frog and the letters m, s, and f. The focus of learning these letters is focusing on what sound each letter makes and how we form these letters correctly.

Students have also been learning our Heart words and identifying these words in various texts and slides.


Every morning our students begin our Literacy sessions with our Phonemic Awareness program called Heggerty. The Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Program provides students with consistent and repeated instruction focusing on eight phonemic awareness skills, along with two additional activities to develop letter and sound recognition, and language awareness. Every morning students have adapted and are well aware that we start our Literacy session with Heggerty.



Students have been learning about the numbers 0-3 and will continue up to 10. Our Maths lessons are planned and delivered to teach students explicitly where they take the time to understand all aspects of number collections. Students have explored and learnt how to show numbers by representing them using blocks, bundling sticks, counters and other materials. They have been practising writing the numeral. They have also been learning about how we find, and locate the number on a number line.



In our Social and Emotional Learning sessions we are learning everything about school. Students have refined and practised correctly modelling our morning and afternoon processes. Foundation students have been engaged in lessons that help understand and gain knowledge about our school values and how these values look in our everyday school life. We have discussed appropriate use of our school toilets, how to access these during learning time and during outside time.



The Art Room would love donations of any good condition Coles and/or Woolworths paper bags for an upcoming art project for the Foundation students. Please send it to school with your child.