Physical Education

Mr Crane, Mr Magafas & Ms Storer

Physical Education 

Mr Magafas
Mr Magafas
Mr Crane
Mr Crane
Mrs Storer
Mrs Storer




It is always a great start to Physical Education in Foundation, the students absolutely loved the opportunity to burn some of their energy and check out our amazing gymnasium. So far this term, the foundation children have been learning about the rules of the gym and will soon have opportunities to play with some of the fantastic equipment we have in PE. For the remainder of the term we will be focusing on the Fundamental Motor Skills of ‘Run’ and ‘Underarm Throw’. We encourage families to continue refining these skills at home.


Year 1 and 2: 

The Year 1 and 2 children have settled into the start of 2024. We have been learning about the Fundamental Motor Skill of ‘Run’. The children have been focusing on improving their technique whilst playing some of their favourite running games. Later in the term we will be learning about the Fundamental Motor Skill of ‘Kicking’. We look forward to seeing students develop their skills whilst also enjoying moving their bodies. We encourage children to continue practising these important skills at home.


Year 3 and 4: 

Term 1 is always an exciting time in PE with lots of new excited and smiling faces as we learn new skills and sports. We have started our term with the Beep Test, we will be using their scores to observe their fitness levels throughout the year. We aim to help our students increase their fitness and give them strategies they can apply at home or school to improve. 


The Year 3 & 4 students will soon be focusing on Basketball, where we will be learning the necessary skills of Dribbling and Shooting. We are excited to see the development of our students in these skills and watch them use the skills in a game situation. 


Later this Term, we will be focusing on the sport of Cricket. At Gilgai we have a large number of students who are in awe of the sport and we are excited to help these students learn the skills to help them take the game to the next level. The skills we will be focusing on this term are Bowling, Batting and Strategies to use when playing in a match.  


This is our first year where we have added an extra hour of sport for our Year 4’s. During this extra hour, students will play a range of sports and learn the extra skills and gameplay to go along with them. During this unit we focus on building teams and sportsmanship, fair play and a love for team sports. The Year 4’s will continue to learn these skills throughout the year and improve their gameplay in preparation for Inter School Sports in Years 5 and 6.


It’s wonderful to see our Year 3 and 4 students so passionate about participating in sports and fitness. We encourage families to, in their spare time, practise at home to help extend/develop what we are learning at school. 


Year 5 and 6: 

Its been a fantastic start to the year in Years 5 & 6, we have been working hard to get our PE program set up for the year and it looks to be amazing. Throughout the year our Year 5 & 6’s will have lots of sporting opportunities and skills to refine and learn. 

There has been a lot going on in Sport at Gilgai Plains this term already. Our Interschool Sport teams have been chosen and will now start training for the upcoming games. Good luck to everyone that is participating and representing our school with pride. 


In PE our students will soon be focusing on developing the necessary skills needed for the sport of Basketball. Our lessons will help strengthen students' ability to gather and move while dribbling, read the court and stay in control of the ball. Over the next few weeks we will be finishing Basketball and moving on to Cricket.

We have also completed our Term 1 Beep Test to identify where our current fitness level is. We will Re-Test each term to ensure the fitness and endurance level of each student is improving.


Students are encouraged to practise the skills learnt in PE at home, teach their siblings or family members and enjoy the new sports we are introducing. We have some exciting opportunities coming up in the near future and look forward to sharing those with you soon.