Art with Nicole & Emily 

In Art with Emily, Prep/1, 1/2 and 3/4 have been exploring all different ways of making lines. Curvy, straight, zig-zag, thick, thin, dotty, spirally, long, loopy, sharp, gentle, horizontal, vertical and parallel. We’ve looked at single line drawings by Picasso and been inspired to try some of our own. 

Class 3/4

Check out our colourful faces each drawn with just 6 or 7 different lines. 

Class 1/2

Our line experimenting with pastels (pictured) has been turned into a collaborative artwork titled 'Line of moving lines'. Come and check it out in the art room. Walk under it and watch it move gently in the breeze.

Class Prep/1

Inspired by the bright and creative fish featured in the books 'Happy' by Mies Van Hout and 'You be You' by Linda Kranz the Prep/1 class has used their knowledge of lines to draw some gorgeous fish. They have added a sea weedy, bubbly ocean background with inks and salt and today they painted their underwater beauties.