Principal's Update

Angelika Ireland

Mrs Ireland
Mrs Ireland

School Council Elections 2024 - Parents in Partnership

At our 2024 election we had 4 Parent vacancies and 1 Department Employee vacancy, the term of office for these vacancies being two years.  


We were excited to receive 4 nominations for the Parent vacancies for School Council this year. This is a positive sign indicating that our school has interested parents who are willing to commit their time and effort into our school. 


As the number of parent nominations was equal to the number of parent vacancies, an election process was not required. 


I am delighted to announce that Samar El-Masri is returning as a School Council Parent Member, whilst we have 3 new Parent Members Zehila Tintas, Sandy Grapsas and Hemila Hakimelahi.


As the Department School Council member, Gabriela Tigafua has been renominated and will remain on School Council.


I thank our retiring members – Ranjeeta Chetty, Derya Kucukali and Angela Richards.

Also a big thank you to Lyla Badawy who left our school at the end of 2023. As Lyla’s term does not finish until the beginning of 2025, her position will be filled by seconding a Parent member, but not through the election process. Angela Richards has agreed to continue on School Council fulfilling Lyla Badawy’s tenure. 


35 Years at Greenvale Primary School

A huge congratulations to one of our teachers, Ms. Linda Doig, for her commitment and dedication to the students and families at our school. Ms Doig started her 35th year of teaching at Greenvale Primary School this year. Prior to coming to Greenvale Ms Doig worked as a replacement teacher at numerous schools for a number of years.


A Reflection from Linda Doig

‘I have been fortunate enough to begin my 35th year of teaching at Greenvale in 2024. When I first started in 1989, the school on this site was 8 months old. There was only the main building with 9 classrooms. A total of 235 children attended the school. Throughout the years I have taught every year level, taught the children of staff, and even taught the children of previous students. I would like to think I have contributed to many children’s learning growth in a positive way.  It has been rewarding to be a part of so many learning journeys and get to know children and families along the way. 


Now my time continues as a Tutor, and it is another role I embrace to improve the reading of students and foster a love of books.’ 


Personal Accident

Just a reminder to all families that the DET does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students whilst at school, including the cost of ambulance attendance / transport and any other transport costs. Student accident insurance/ambulance cover policies are available from some commercial insurers. 

Personal Property

Personal property is often brought to school by students and includes staff and visitors. This can include mobile phones, calculators, toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises. As the Department does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property students are discouraged from bringing any unnecessary or particularly valuable items to school.


 Food for Thought









Angelika Ireland