Assistant Principal Report
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you to all the parents and carers that were able to meet their child’s classroom teacher last week. I know the teachers found it very insightful to learn more about their individual learning needs as well as their social needs. Some of you would have noticed the wonderful sandpit that we have in the playground. This has become a real hive of activity, and the students are embracing the opportunity to play there. With that, we do need to ensure it is a place for everyone and only used during recess and lunchtime.
Thank you to all of you that have been able to attend some of our Friday assemblies. Ms Deering was able to recently award our first Attendance Golden Ticket prize of a scooter to the value of $100. Each fortnight there will be another amazing prize drawn for the students that are able to attend school every day of that time. If you are free and able to join us in the future that would be great, as assemblies are another opportunity to connect with our school as well as celebrating student achievements.
Kind regards,
Simon Radford
Assistant Principal