Sean McCarthy Legacy

The second edition of OVAtion (October 2017) acknowledged the passing of former student Sean McCarthy (svc 1975-80). Sean died in September 2017 at the age of 54 following a short battle with pancreatic cancer. Over 1000 people attended his funeral service at Blunstone Arena.


Post school, Sean attended Drysdale House Hospitality School and became a chef – a job he was to practice intermittently over many years. Other ventures included a carpet cleaning business, a stuffed rocking horse business and real estate.


Eventually he headed to University and became a teacher. To quote from his sister Marcelle’s eulogy …, “Sean’s distinct lack of a ‘Grand Plan’ in life, meant that it took a while for his natural instincts to lead him to his calling. But after all Sean’s dreams and ideas, teaching was the culminating career that embraced all his passions in one: community, kids, food, garden, outdoors, autonomy, life-long learning …. It didn’t get much better than that!   And he was bloody good at it!  For the past ten years he had been a teacher at Triabunna.”


Triabunna District School recently released a documentary which pays tribute to Sean. It honours his lasting impact on students, colleagues and education. Sean’s passion towards outdoor education and the water led him to establish the school’s outdoor education programs, including the ‘Explore the Coast Water’ program.

The video is able to be viewed on YouTube – Ref.  Triabunna District School - Outdoor and Explore


The program encourage students to get outside and active in nature in sports like sailing, surfing, surf lifesaving and cycling aimed at encouraging basic skills like leadership, communication and teamwork.


His late father ‘Skeet’(SVC 1945-52) as well as his two sons, Matthew (SVC 2004-07) and Arron (SVC 2001-08), also attended the College.


On January 14, 1998, Sean was instrumental in two swimmers being rescued having been caught in a rip at the mouth of the Carlton River. Regrettably a further two swimmers lost their lives.  In acknowledgement of his efforts, he was awarded a Commendation for Brave Conduct. The award was presented to him at Government House in Canberra by Governor General William Dean on behalf of the Queen on August 21, 2000.