Honoured by the Archdioceese

Late in 2023, nine Tasmanians were presented with Guilford Young Medals by way of acknowledgement of their substantial contributions to the life and mission of the Catholic Church in Tasmania.


The 2023 Medal recipients included both religious and laity from parish communities across the state.


Of the nine, three were former students - Peter Cusick (svc 1955-62), Chris Jones (svc 1953-56) and Tim McManus (svc 1941-50)


In the photo below, Peter is pictured on the left of the Archbishop and Chris on the right. Tim was unable to be present at the ceremony.  Tim’s story was related in the October 2022 edition of OVAtion and Chris’ in the August 2020 edition.  All past editions of OVAtion can be viewed online  - enter Old Virgilian's Association Newsletters into your search engine.

Photo credit: Josh Low