Junior School Report

Year 7 Camp – Rumbug
Last week saw the newest members of Scoresby Secondary College head off to Camp Rumbug out in Foster North. It was fifty smiling faces and excited balls of energy that set out on Wednesday morning and after a little over three hours they arrived at Camp Rumbug eagerly walking down a hill to our lunch spot.
Upon arriving at our lunch destination one student remarked ‘We aren’t going back up that hill are we?’ and that was the moment the Year 7 students came to realise just how much effort they were going to have to put in over the next three days.
Not only were the hills extremely challenging to get back up after a couple of activities, but the activities themselves challenged the students in ways that they hadn’t been challenged before. Our camp leader Owen took us through some very enjoyable activities along with the rest of the crew from Camp Rumbug who took great care of us whilst we were there.
A few highlights included the 'Jacob’s Ladder' activity that empowered students to work together to climb a ladder too challenging to climb alone, the 'Mud Run' and of course the crowd favourite the Flying Fox.
There were many games and activities played during the down time that the students had and heaps of opportunities for new friendships to form and a real sense of belonging blossom.
All in all, it was a wonderful trip that we cannot wait to return next years Year 7 students.
Year 8 and 9 Challenge Program
Last week also marked a big week for our Year 8 and 9 students. They were presented with the Challenge opportunity. The Challenge Program was developed to deliver the Respectful Relationships Program as a core component of curriculum in all schools. Embedding a culture of respect and equality across the entire school community in education underpins Scoresby Secondary Colleges core values. In today's society this is a challenge and given the success of our program in delivering the content together with a series of other activities set out to challenge our students to work together, problems solve and respect each other in the process the program was renamed the 'Challenge Program'. During the program many different experiences are set to challenge and build the resilience of our students beyond the challenges they may face in their academic studies. including dancing, rock climbing , self regulation and many other activities and obstacles for students to overcome.
During the 'respectful relationships' component of the program, students faced experiences that pushed them to consider how they interact not only with each other but with the broader community around them.
Some highlights of the week included the BBQ where all the students reflected on what an excellent week they had just had alongside some of their new friends from the other year level.
It is obvious from the images that a lot of student loved for the rock-climbing wall, and who wouldn't with the majestic background of
the Dandenongs.
Thank you to Ms Fiona Matthews who is not only one our regular staff members but also leads the curriculum development for the Respectful Relationships Program for the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).
It was a great week for the students on the whole and a really exciting time to be part of the Junior School. Only a few weeks left of the term for our students to get achieve their personal best by continuing to work hard before they take a well deserved break.
Mr Daniel Croft
Head of Junior School